TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
Attach serviceable earphone connecting cord (2) to attaching cord (1).
Pull and work the attaching cord (1) with earphone connecting cord (2) back between the liner and the
helmet (3) to the original position.
(10) Remove attaching cord (1).
(11) Install earphone, ear cushion, and bracket in accordance with steps c(6) through c(9) above
Replace Boom Microphone. Replace boom microphone as follows
Loosen and remove knurled nut (1) securing boom microphone (2) to bracket (3).
Dissemble the bracket (3) to remove boom microphone (2).
Position serviceable boom microphone (2) between slotted washers (4) and install outer plate (5). Ensure
boom microphone is aligned with slots in both washers.
Install knurled nut (1) onto bracket (3) to secure boom microphone (2) and hand tighten.
Replace unserviceable helmet, free-fall parachutists, type II with a serviceable one from stock.