TM 10--227
(3) Slacks.
(a) Subgarments. Subgarments for the slacks try--on are a bra, panties, hosiery, the skirt,
and the oxford shoes.
(b) Measurements. The waist, hip and height measurements are required for proper size
and model try--on garment. (Refer to Fig. 4--1a through g for proper measurement procedures).
(c) Selection of Try--on Garment. Use the individuals waist, hip and height
measurements and refer to the size prediction chart (table 4--1), for selection of the initial try--on
size. The hip measurement will determine if a Junior (J), Misses (M), or Womens (W) size is
required, and the height measurement determines the length of the slacks.
(d) Alterations.
Waist and Waistband. The waistband and darts may be altered as long as the
slack balance is maintained. The two piece waistband has a center back outlet which can be
opened and allows the slacks to be taken in or let out without having to remove the waistband.
Length. Measure and mark both slack legs individually. No more than a two inch
turn up is permissible. The front crease of the slacks will reach the top of the instep and be cut on
a diagonal line to reach a point approximately midway between the top of the heel and the top of
the oxford shoe in the back. The slacks may have a slight break in the front.
Hip and Seat. Let out or take in at the back outlet to adjust hip and seat sides.
The side seams may be adjusted to hip size. Side seams must be centered at the sides and
hang straight to the bottom. Note that if the seat needs to be altered, the crotch of the slacks
must also be altered.
Crotch and Thighs. The crotch and thigh seams have an outlet. The outlet may
be used to let out or take in the crotch and thigh areas to improve fit while maintaining the
balance of the slacks.
(4) Coat.
(a) Subgarments. Subgarments for the coat try--on are a bra, panties, hosiery, slacks or
skirt, and the long sleeve shirt.
(b) Measurements. The bust, waist, hip, crossback, and backwaist length measurements
are required for proper size and model try--on garment. (Refer to Fig 4--1a through g for proper
measurement procedures.)
(c) Selection of Try--on Garment. Use the individuals bust, waist, hip, crossback, and
backwaist length measurements and refer to the size prediction chard (table 4--1) for selection of
the initial try--on size. The waist and hip[ measurements will determine if a regular (R) or a plus
(+) size coat is required. The backwaist length will determine the length of the coat. Junior coats
have shorter backwaist length.
(d) Alterations.
Hem line. The coat hem line may be shortened no more than 1 inch. Shortening
is authorized only when the coat is out of proportion to the individuals height. For example, if a
short woman requires a regular length to fit her backwaist length, the coat will require shortening
so the length is correctly proportioned for her height.
Backwaist Length. The waistline may be raised or lowered by adjusting the
side--back seams.