TM 10--227
Bust. The front bust seam may be taken in and front side body seams let out or
taken in .
Waist. Waist may be tapered or let out at side--front and side--back seams.
Hip. Side--back seams may be adjusted to hip size, as long as the balance is
Shoulders. The coat shoulders may be raised or lowered by adding or removing
shoulder pads.
Sleeves. The sleeves may be adjusted to reach a point one inch below the
bottom of the wristbone. The sleeves of the green shirt should not show below the coat sleeves.
Collar. In cases of long or short necks, raising or lowering the collar improves fit
and appearance. This alteration consists of ripping out the seams on under and top collar,
repositioning the collar or the back of the coat for the desired length, resewing the collar and
pressing. The collar must not be raised or lowered over 1/4--inch.
Button Alignment. The position of the buttons on the front of the coat may be
adjusted no more than 1/4--inch to improve the front closure, as long as the row of buttons is
straight from the top to bottom when buttoned, and the coat balance is maintained.
(5) Cap, Garrison. Actual head measurement (in inches) correlates to cap size. To measure
for head size, hold the tape measure snugly around the largest part of the head across the
forehead, and over the temple parallel to the ground. The womans hair should be the length and
style in which it will usually be worn. Alteration of the cap is not authorized.
(6) All Weather Coat.
(a) Subgarments. The Green Service Uniform with skirt is worn as the subgarment for
the all weather coat try--on.
(b) Measurements. The bust and height measurements are required. (Refer to Fig. 4--1a
through g for proper measurement procedures.)
(c) Selection of Try--on Garment. Using the bust and height measurements taken over
the Service Uniform, refer to size prediction chart (table 4--1) for the size of the initial try--on
garment. If the individuals measurements are close to the minimum or maximum indicated on
the size prediction chart, select two sizes for try--on.
(d) Alterations.
Hem line. The all weather coat hem line may be adjusted to about one inch
longer than the skirt worn under it but not more than three inches below the midpoint of the knee
(Fig. 4--4).
Sleeves. The coat may be shortened or lengthened so sleeves will be about one
inch longer than the sleeves of the Army Green 489 uniform coat. When shortening the sleeves,
measure and mark each sleeve individually. The sleeves of the liner can only be shortened.
Button Alignment. The position of the buttons on the front of the all weather coat
may be adjusted no more than 1/4--inch to improve the front closure as long as the row of buttons
is straight from the top to bottom when buttoned, and the coat balance is maintained.
e. Final Check for Proper Concept of Fit. The uniform is designed to fit the figure easily with
smooth tailored lines.