TM 10-3510-208-12
(1) General. Take special precautions to keep
the equipment dry. If possible, provide a shelter
for the equipment. If a sheltered area is not
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
available, cover the equipment with canvas when
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes end
not in use. Remove canvas during dry periods.
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
(2) Lubrication. Lubricate the engine in
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
accordance with the current lubrication order, LO
Dry cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680)
used to clean parts is potentially dangerous
(3) Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank as full as
to personnel and property. Do not use near
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point
service the fuel filter more frequently than under
of solvent is 100 to 138F. (38 to 59C.).
normal conditions.
(3) Wipe wet or damp electrical equipment
(4) Electrical System. Humid conditions can
with a cloth dampened with cleaning solvent, Fed.
Spec. P-D-680, and dry thoroughly.
components. Keep wiring as clean and dry as
Do not use water pressure through a fire or
water hose to wash the item down, or in
b. Laundry Unit Operation Under Rainy or
cleaning operations of the end item, Hosing
Humid Conditions.
down with water will cause a malfunction
(1) Keep machinery and motors as dry as
or electrical shorts to the voltage regulator
possible at all times. If possible, operate the unit
inside a tent or other suitable inclosure.
the components of the washer-extractor
(2) During transit, make certain the trailer is
control panel, motors, switches, and other
covered with the tarpaulin provided for that
related items,
(4) When cleaned parts are dry, thoroughly
Prior to all towing operations of the
lubricate the unit in accordance with the current
laundry unit, in order to prevent damaged
lubrication order.
or broken mercury bulbs utilized with the
2-10. Operation in Salt Water Areas (Gener-
dryer tumbler air temperature control, it is
ator Set)
essential that the following protective
a. General. Wash the unit frequently with
measures be taken.
clean, fresh water. Use care not to contaminate the
(a) Remove the dial face cover from the
fuel supply or damage the electrical system.
b. Lubrication. Lubricate the engine in ac-
such as soft sponge robber or packing
cordance with the current lubrication order, LO
paper into the mercury bulb housing
of the control. Reinstall the dial face
c. Preservation. Paint all exposed non-polished
surfaces. Coat exposed parts of polished steel or
(b) Upon completion of the towing
other ferrous material with standard issue, rust-
proofing material, if available, or cover parts with
material from the mercury bulb
a light coat of grease. Refer to TM 43-0139.
housing and reinstall the cover.
U . S . G O V E R N M E N T PRINTING OFFICE, 1990 754. 124/02012
Change 7