TM 10-3510-208-34
Table 2-1. Troubleshooting (Cont'd)
Test or Inspection
Corrective Action
Step 1
Check for broken wiring Test with a multimeter (para. 2-6).
Replace a defective wire by disconnecting it from the component or components to which
it is attached and remove the wire. Connect a new wire to the component or components.
If a broken wire is part of a harness, disconnect the wire at each end and tape the loose
ends with electrical tape. Install a new wire and attach it to the outside of the wiring
Step 2.
Checked for cracked, worn. or broken motor parts, damaged shaft threads. and bent shaft.
Repair motor. Remove motor then disassemble and repair or replace, (para 7-8).
Step 3
Check for motor overload.
Free up tight bearing or replace bearing, (para. 7-8).
Step 1.
Check for cracked. worn or broken motor parts, damaged shaft threads. and bent shaft.
Repair extractor motor. Remove motor then disassemble and repair or replace defective
components, (para. 7-9).
Step 2.
Check hydro-sheave for oil leak(s).
Repair hydro-sheave. Remove hydro-sheave, disassemble and replace defective
components (para. 7-9).
Step 3.
Check for broken wiring. Test with a multimeter (para. 2-6).
Repair or replace defective wiring as follows:
Repair. Shave the insulation on the wire to expose 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) of bare wire
at both ends of the break. Twist the bare wire together and solder the connection.
Cover the break with electrical friction tape. Be sure to leave no bare wire
exposed. If a terminal lug breaks off a wire, replace it with an exact dupl icate.
Replacement. Replace a wire by disconnecting it from the component or
components to which it is attached and remove the wire. Connect a new wire to
the component or components. If a broken wire is part of a harness, disconnect
the wire at each end and tape the loose ends with electrical tape. Install a new
wire and attach it to the outside of the wiring harness.
Step 4.
Check for low voltage, inspect wiring.
Repair or replace wiring as necessary using instructions listed in Step 3, paragraph a,
and b, above.
Step 1.
Check for cracked. worn, or broken motor parts, damaged shaft threads. and bend shaft.
Repair motor. Remove motor then disassemble and repair or replace defective
components, (para. 3-3).
Step 2.
Inspect for no ignition spark.
Repair or replace wiring from motor starter to ignition transformer, if defective, use
instructions listed under procedure 3, Step 3, paragraph a, and b.
Step 3.
Check if burner motor revolving in wrong direction.
Correct motor rotation: Transpose any two motor lead wires at manual starter switch.
Step 4.
Check if bypass plug is installed in fuel pump.
Install the bypass plug.