TM 10-3510-208-34
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of
skin to cleaning solvent. Wash
cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-
680) used to clean parts is potentially
property. Do not use near open
name or excessive heat. Flash point
of solvent is 100 to 138° F. (38 to 59°
(1) Clean bearing and seal using light weight
motor oil.
(2) Clean electrical parts and horn with dry
compressed air and a clean cloth.
(3) Clean remaining parts in cleaning
solvent, Fed. Spec. P-D-680, and dry thoroughly.
d. Inspection.
(1) Inspect all parts of the tumbler cylinder
and tumbler base assembly for cracks, dents, nicks,
scores and other damage.
(2) Inspect all hardware for thread damage.
e. Repair.
(1) Weld any cracks and straighten any
dents in the tumbler cylinder and base.
(2) Replace all other damaged parts of the
tumbler cylinder and tumbler base.
f. Assembly.
(1) Tumbler Base Assembly.
(a) Install the insulating plate (19, fig.
3-18) on the tumbler base (20).
(b) Install the horn (18) on its base
and secure with screw (17).
(c) Install the connector 116), conduit
(15), elbow (141 and conduit outlet (13) on the tumbler
base (20).
(d) Install the bushing (12), connector
(11), conduit (10), connector (9), conduit adapter (8),
elbow (7) and door switch (6) on the conduit outlet (13).
(e) Install the gasket (5) and conduit
outlet cover (4) on the conduit outlet and secure with
screws (31.
(f) Install the bushing (2) and
connector (1) on the conduit outlet (13).
(2) Tumbler Cylinder Assembly.
(a) Position the cylinder shell (47, fig.
3-17) on the base assembly and secure with bolts (46),
lockwashers (45) and nuts (44).
(b) Install the weldment spider (43)
and secure with bolts (42), lockwashers (41) and nuts
(c) Install tie rods (39) and secure
with lockwashers (38) and nuts (37).
(d) Install the cylinder (36) into shell
(e) Install the key (35).
(f) Install the grease seal (34), bearing
(33) and sprocket (32) on the weldment spider (43).
(g) Install the collar (31) and trunnion
spacer (30) on spider and secure with snap ring (29).
(h) Install the bearing (28), bearing re
tainer (27) and lockplate (26) on spider and secure with
screws (25).
(i) Install the traction housing (24) on
cylinder shell (47) and secure with flatwashers (23), lock
washers (22) and bolts (21).
(j) Install the trunnion cap (20) onto
housing and secure with lockwashers (19) and bolts
(k) Install the nut (17), stud (16) and
oil cups (14 and 15) on the trunnion housing (24).
(I) Install the front cylinder shell (13) and shell ring (12)
onto the cylinder and secure with lockwasher (11), screw
(10) and nut (9).
(m) Install the cylinder door (8) onto
the frontshell (13) and secure with hinge pin (7),
retaining clip (6), lockwasher (5), screw (4) and pin (3).
(n) Install the door handle (2) on the
cylinder door (8) and secure with bolt (1).
g. Installation.
(1) Using the suitable hoist, install the
dryertumbler (20, fig. 3-16) on the trailer.
flatwashers (16), lockwashers (15), and nuts (14).
(3) Install the support strut to the trailer and
secure it with screws (13).
(4) Install the exhaust motor (12) to the
trailer and secure it with lockwashers (11), bolts (10),
flatwashers (9), lockwashers (8), and nuts (7).
(5) Install the v-belt.
(6) Correct the conduit going to the exhaust
(7) Connect the wiring going to the exhaust
(8) Install the exhaust motor belt guard (6)
to the trailer and secure it with flatwashers (5),
lockwashers (4), bolts (3), lockwashers (2) and nut (1).
(9) Connect all lines and electrical wiring.