TM 10-351 0-208-34
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove the screws (1 fig. 4-2) and
lockwashers (2) and remove the base (3).
(2) Remove the screws (4) and remove the
grille (5)
(3) Remove the fan (6) and switch (7) from
the shaft (9)
(4) Remove the setscrew (8) and remove
the shaft (9),
(5) Remove the plug i 10 ) and gasket ( 11)
then remove the spring ( 12), stem (13), O-ring (14) and
seat (15)
(6) Remove the valve (16) and body (17).
(7) Remove the screen (18) felt (19), case
(20) and valve (21) from the head (26).
(8) Remove the plug (22), gasket (23) and
valve (24) from the head (26).
(9) Remove the screws (25) and remove the
head (26) from the housing (32)
(10) Remove the screws (27 and remove
the plate (28) and gasket (29) from housing.
(11) Remove the arm (30) and valve (31).
(12) Remove the housing ((32)) from the
motor and piston.
(13) Remove the packing (33).
(14) Separate the motor (34) and piston
(15) Using a piston ring spreader remove
the spring (36) and rings (37) from the piston.
(16) Remove the key (38) and spacer (39)
from the motor shaft.
KEY to Figure 4-2.
1. Screw
21. Valve
2 Lockwasher
22. Plug
3 Base
23. Gasket
4 Screw
24. Valve
5. Grille
25. Screw
6. Fan
26. Head
7. Switch
27. Screw
8. Setscrew
28. Plate
9. Shaft
29. Gasket
10. Plug
30. Arm
11. Gasket
31. Valve
12. Spring
32. Housing
13. Stem
33. Packing
14. O-ring
34. Motor
15. Seat
35. Piston
16. Valve
36. Spring
17. Body
37. Ring
18. Screen
38. Key
19. Felt
39. Spacer
20. Case