TM 10-3510-209-10
Equipment Is Not Ready/Available If column. Entries in this column will be keyed specifically
to checks listed in the Procedures column for the purpose of identifying, for the check, the
criteria that will cause the equipment to be classified as not ready/available because of
inability to perform its primary Combat Mission. An entry in this column will:
Identify conditions that make the equipment not ready/available for readiness reporting.
Deny use of the equipment until corrective maintenance has been performed.
c. Special Instructions.
Perform Weekly (W) as well as Before operations PMCS if:
(a) You are the assigned operator and have not operated the item since the last weekly.
(b) You are operating the item for the first time.
Leakage definitions for operator/crew PMCS shall be classified as follows:
Equipment operation is allowable with minor leakage (Class I or II). Of course, you
must consider the fluid capacity in the item/system being checked/inspected.
When in doubt, notify your supervisor.
When operating with Class I or II leaks, continue to check fluid levels as required
in your PMCS.
Class III leaks should be reported to your supervisor.
Class I. Seepage of fluid (as indicated by wetness or discoloration) not great enough to
form drops.
Class II. Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not enough to cause drops to
drip from item being checked/inspected.
Class III. Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being