TM 10-4510-201-24P
h. Items Authorized.
d. The same illustrations are used to illustrate the
(1) Items authorized for use as required but
repair parts listed in both organizational maintenance
not for initial stockage are identified with an asterisk in
section and direct and general support and depot
the allowance column.
maintenance section.
(2) This column indicates the total quantity of
special tools required for distribution and contingency
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
planning purposes. (Not applicable.)
a. When the National Stock Number or reference
number is unknown:
i. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
(1) First.
Using the table of contents,
determine the assembly group within which the repair
(1) Items authorized for use but not for initial
part belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are
stockage are identified with an asterisk in the allowance
prepared for assembly groups, and listings are divided
into the same groups.
(2) This column indicates the total quantity of
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
special tools authorized for depot maintenance of 100
assembly group to which the repair part belongs.
equipments. (Not applicable).
(3) Third.
Identify the repair part on the
j. illustration. This column is divided as follows:
illustration and note the illustration figure and item
(1) Figure number Indicates the figure
number of the repair part.
number of the illustration on which the item is shown.
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
(2) Item number Indicates the callout number
find the assembly group to which the repair part belongs
used to reference the item on the illustration.
and locate the illustration figure and item number noted
on the illustration.
b. When the National Stock Number or reference
4. Special Information
a. Identification of the usable on codes included in
number is known:
the description column of this publication are:
(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the pertinent
Used on
National Stock Number or reference number. This index
is in ascending FSN sequence followed by a list of
Orr & Sembower Model 8-SH-1, Army Model
reference numbers in alpha-numeric sequence, cross-
SPE-35, FSN 4510-679-6493
referenced to the illustration figure number and item
York-Shipley Model 8-SH-60, Army Model SPE-
35A, FSN 4510-806-9555
(2) Second. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
York-Shipley Model 8-SH-62, Army Model SPE-
find the assembly group of the repair part and the
41, FSN 4510-856-8610
illustration figure number and item number referenced in
York-Shipley Model 8-SH-63, Army Model SPE-
the Index of National Stock Numbers and Reference
44, FSN 4510-994-9955
York-Shipley Model YS49279, FSN 4510-168-
c. When the National Stock Number or reference
number is known and the repair part is not illustrated:
York-Shipley Model 8-SH-70YS, Army Model
(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock
SPE-45, FSN 4510-418-4774
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the pertinent
National Stock Number or reference number in the
b. Parts which require manufacture or assembly of
section titled "Items Not Illustrated" and note the group
a level higher than that authorized for installation will
number. This section is in ascending FSN sequence
indicate in the source column the higher level.
followed by a list of reference numbers in alpha-numeric
c. The following publication pertains to bath unit
sequence cross-referenced to assembly group number.
and its components:
(2) Second. Using the Table of Contents,
TM 10-4510-201-14
locate the assembly group number and page number.
Organizational, DS and
(3) Third.
Using the applicable group