TM 10-4510-209-13&P
0054 00
Replace Commode, Thetford Aqua Magic Galaxy Model (CL only)
Protective clothing and equipment must be worn. Heavy-duty rubber apron, rubber
gloves, safety splash goggles and/or face shield are required when potential exists for
contact with wastewater or contaminated surfaces. Wastewater and surfaces may be
contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria or viruses, which present a risk
of serious illness or death to personnel.
Unserviceable Thetford Aqua Magic Galaxy commodes may be replaced by Bravura
models, if available.
1. Ensure water supply to the commode (1) from freshwater line valve (2) is closed.
2. Disconnect water line (3) from commode water valve elbow (4) with wrench.
3. Remove front mounting nut (5) from bolt (6).
4. Remove mounting hold access plug (7) and remove rear mounting nut (8) and bolt (9).
5. Lift and remove commode (1).
6. Install new closet flange seal (10) into closet flange groove (11).
7. Place new commode (1) into position.
8. Install rear bolt (9) and rear mounting nut (8), hand tighten.
9. Install front mounting bolt (6) and nut (5), hand tighten.
10. Secure mounting nuts (5) and (8) to mounting bolts (6) and (9).
11. Reconnect water line (3) to water valve elbow (4).
12. Open water supply to the commode (1) from fresh-water line valve (2) and check for leaks.
13. Clean tools and/or personal protective clothing and individual's equipment using a general purpose
detergent solution, then sanitize using a ten-to-one solution of household bleach in warm water (i.e.
6-ounces in 2-quarts of water) and allow to air dry.
0054 00-7