TM 10-8400-201-234-6. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF UNIFORMSPrior to repair operations, each item shall be inspected by qualified personnel to determine the amount of repairnecessary. The following methods shall be observed as fully as skills, facilities, funds and local conditions permit. Thesequence of operations shall be determined by the repairing organizations, unless otherwise prescribed.a. Inspection. Inspect all Items to determine the amount of repairs needed and whether such repairs can beaccomplished within the organization.b. Repair. The following repairs will be accomplished by hand or organizational maintenance such as missing anddamaged buttons, sewing rips, tears and loose seams, and attaching loose belt loops. In replacing buttons,use appropriate type from those specified in section III, matching the original so that all buttons are the samecolor, design and size, and insure proper alignment with buttonhole.c. Cleaning. Remove dirt, dust, and other foreign matter by brushing. Cotton trousers can be hand washed usingwater as hot as the hands can stand and a mild soap or detergent. Stains in cotton and wool trousers shouldbe removed in accordance with the following chart.PROCEDURES FOR STAIN REMOVALTYPEOFPROCEDURE FORPROCEDURE FORPROCEDURE FORSTAINCOTTON FABRICWOOL FABRICSYNTHETIC FABRICGRAVYRub the stain with coldSame as the procedureSponge the area withwater; then place a padfor cotton fabric.cold or lukewarm water.or cloth underneath theIf the grease spot remains,fabric to absorb thelaunder the washablestain, and rub the stainmaterials in a soap orwith cleaning fluid. Ifsynthetic detergent solution,any stain remains, dryusing warm water. Dothe fabric and rub Itnot rub the material.with a soap or syntheticdetergent solution. Donot rub excessivelysince this may damagethe finish of the garment.FOODDampen the stained areaSame as the procedureSame as the procedurewith water. Apply soapfor cotton fabric.for gravy (above)or a synthetic detergentsolution (with ammoniaif available), tamp thearea with a brush, andflush It with water.4-5
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