TM 10-8400-201-23
(g) Belt loops. Replace missing, broken, badly worn, or torn belt loops with new loops fabricated of material to
match the part being replaced.
(h) Slide fasteners. Replace missing or damaged slide fasteners by machine stitching fasteners as applicable
(table 4-4 and sec. III).
(4) Resizing. Resize all items after complete repairs and cleaning have been accomplished, using the schedule of
sizes listed below. When garments do not correspond to original markings, obliterate the old marking and
legibly write or stamp the proper size with an indelible pencil or waterproof ink, near the old size. When the
measurements do not correspond to a size listed, relabel to nearest inseam and waist size. For example, if the
trouser measures 31 3/4 in the waist and 30 1/4 Inseam, mark in the waistband "32 x 30". Trousers in good
wearable condition should not be sent to salvage because the waist or Inseam measurements are off 1/2 Inch.
(a) Trousers, men's, Army Tan 445, polyester/cotton (table 4-2).
(b) Trousers, men's AG 44 and AG 344, wool and polyester/wool.
All work shall be accomplished by personnel skilled in the particular trade applicable to their duties In the repair of subject
Items. Darning shall be neatly accomplished and patches shall be of the proper size and firmly stitched to the garments.
Stitching and reseaming shall be secure, and loose ends shall be turned and removed. Buttons, buckles and belt loops
shall be securely and properly attached to function as intended. The finished items shall be completely and well
repaired, thoroughly cleaned, and free from all defects which may affect serviceability or general appearance
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