TM 10-8400-201-23
If seam strap separation is 1 inch or less, use a wooden tongue depressor (or similar wooden
applicator) to spread cement over seam area and strapping surface as evenly as possible, working
the adhesive with the applicator to obtain the complete coverage necessary for proper adhesion
Insert the tongue depressor edgewise between seam and strapping to hold them apart so that solvent
can dry out of adhesive to prevent bubble or "blow" void under strapping
Break applicator into small pieces if necessary.
Adhesive is properly dry when solvent has evaporated. A convenient test can be made by
pressing finger lightly to the drying adhesive; if adhesive is sticky to the touch but does not
come off when finger is withdrawn, it is properly dry and the applicator can be removed.
Carefully replace strapping over seam, and roll down firmly with 1to 2-inch (2.5 to 5.1 cm) metal
roller with a 1/8to 1/4-inch (0.3 to 06 cm) rim and a smooth or slightly knurled rolling surface.
(2) Separation. (2 inches (5 1 cm) or less (half seam). If seam strapping separation Is up to half of seam
width and extends more than 2 inches (5 1 cm) along one side of seam, repair It by following the
instructions in (1) above. Modify separation for drying by using matchsticks as separators, if necessary, In
place of larger tongue depressors.
(3) Separation (2 inches or longer).
If seam strapping defect is greater than 2 inches (5.08 cm), peel strapping back 1/2 to 1 inch (1.27 to
2.54 cm) beyond area of separation without cutting the strapping. Repair by using techniques
outlined in (1) above
Replace entire strapping which has become loose, damaged, or cut, with straps cut on the bias from
bulk material.
Completely remove old straps, applying cement to one side of new strap and on area of garment
from which old strap was removed.
(4) Permit cement to dry to the point where it has a sticky touch but does not adhere to the finger.
(5) Carefully place strap on garment, and roll down until a satisfactory adhesion has been obtained.