TM 10-8400-201-23
(g) Sleeve closure ring. Follow the procedures below for the repair and replace-
ment of damaged or missing closure rings. After the cemented portions
have adhered properly, lightly dust seams inside and outside of garment
with dusting powder (talc) to prevent cement from adhering to other
portions of the garment.
(1) Use an oil can to spray a light coating of "toluene" on the cemented
area of the strapping securing the sleeve closure ring and wristlet to
the cuff of the garment and carefully remove the strapping from the
sleeve. Reapply the "toluene" as often as necessary to soften the
cement while detaching strapping.
Toluene is a poisonous, flammable compound. Use only in well ventilated
areas. Avoid repeated and prolonged contact with skin. Keep away from
heat and open flame.
(2) Separate the wristlet from the sleeve closure ring, and remove the
wristlet from the closure ring. Be careful not to stretch the wristlet.
(3) Peel back the sleeve at the closure ring and remove the stitching secur-
ing the sleeve to the closure ring, being careful not to damage the
sleeve. Separate the closure ring from the sleeve
(4) Apply "toluene" to remove cement from all the surfaces to be repaired
Wipe off cement, and allow the surfaces to air-dry.
(5) Use the abrasive strip furnished in the repair kit to roughen all the
surfaces to be cemented, being very careful not to stretch the fabric.
(6) Insert undamaged closure ring into the end of the sleeve 7/8 + 1/8 inch
(O 320 + 0.318 cm), and securely cement the ring to the sleeve.
(7) Tack-stitch (three or four stitches) the sleeve to the closure ring at six
places, spaced around the sleeve 5/16 to 5/8 inch (0.794 to 1 59 cm)
from the top Inner edge of the ring.
Use Model 47W70 sewing machine
(8) Insert the closure ring into the wristlet so that the bead of the wristlet
is 9/16 + 1/8 inch (1.43 + 0 318 cm) from the end of the closure ring
(9) Cement the entire area of overlap from the bottom edge of the sleeve
and the raw edge of the wristlet.