TM 10-8400-201-2317-6. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE-Continued4. Stir the adhesive and apply to the cleaned side of the piece, spread rapidly with a minimum of strokes.Overlap strokes as little as possible. (When a large piece of fabric is being coated, a paint brush may beused or two or three kit brushes may be taped together.)5. Dry until the piece can be cut into patches without the adhesive fouling the shears. This may take anhour, but might be as little as 20 minutes on warm dry days.6. Cut patches in the required sizes and shapes as needed (generally rectangular). Round off corners. Thepatch should cover the damage and extend into the surrounding area of the garment about 3/4 inch (1.91cm) in all directions.7. These adhesive coated patches may then be applied in the subsequent patching procedure at any timeduring the rest of the day.NOTEWhen making one patch only, proceed as above, except apply the adhesive afterthe one patch is cut. Hold the patch down with the point of a small stick, pencil, orother similar device and apply the adhesive by brushing outwards from the centerof the patch all around.(4) Prepare Punctured, Torn, or Work Area:1. If heavily soiled, pre-clean the damaged area If area is wetted with water or other cleaning fluid, drythoroughly.2. Trim off any badly frayed or curled edges.3. Spread out the garment area to be patched on a flat work surface.4. Where the hole to be patched is wide or where there is a large porous area to be patched, slip thepolyethylene film from the kit) under the garment layer to be patched. This will help keep the adhesivefrom messing up the garment and work surface.5. Wipe the area to be patched, using a toluene wetted cloth or paper towel. Dry.6. Using the patch from (c) above as a template, place it in what will be its final position on the torn area andmake a tracing along its border. Use a No. 2 or soft pencil for tracing.7. Remove the patch and apply one even coat of the adhesive within the tracing and just including thetracing line. Do not brush directly into open tears and holes. Rapidly brush with a minimum of strokes.8. Dry until no sign of wetness or tackiness (generally an hour or less)17-5
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