TM 10-8400-201-23
(5) Patch Assembly:
1. Carefully set the patch from step (3) exactly on the marked prepared area in step (4) and press together
2. Roll the patch with heavy hand pressure using roller provided in the kit then dust the patched area using the
talcing bag furnished with the kit.
3. The garment may be worn immediately. If it is to be packed for storage or shipment, allow one hour drying
under good ventilation to dissipate solvents completely.
The patch will adhere well enough in an hour for ordinary
handling but will not withstand snagging or hard abuse.
b. Stitching and Restitching. Machine sew all items being repaired except in emergency repair. Back stitch all stitching
at ends to prevent raveling. Properly maintain thread tension to prevent loose stitching. Use same stitching space,
and type of seams as that of original construction. Restitch all seams having loose and/or weak thread. Overstitch
thread breaks in double lock stitching (type 401) not less than 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) at each break. For information on
the various stitch types used, see Federal Standard 751. Thread sizes are found in Section III.
c. Drawcords. Replace missing; frayed, or otherwise defective drawcords cut from braid. Dip the ends of the drawcords
in a suitable synthetic resin or type with a nonflammable plastic to prevent fraying.
d. Hardware. Straighten bent and damaged hardware that is otherwise serviceable. Replace hardware such as keepers,
eyelets, and snaps that are missing or damaged beyond repair. Retouch or refinish hardware as required. Thoroughly
clean hardware of rust, corrosion, dirt, or other foreign matter Exercise care in replacing or inserting eyelets and
fasteners so as not to damage material Tightly clinch the eyelets without splitting. Tightly clinch fasteners.
e. Sealing of Seams. Apply seam sealant by brush on the stitching and needle holes and under the turned edges of all
restitched seams. Allow each coat to become dry to touch before applying the subsequent coat. All restitching except
the peripheral hems, the facing piece seams around the face opening of the hood, and the waist drawcord tunnel shall
be sealed on the inside of the Parka & Trousers, Wet Weather with a minimum of three coats. Seal outside areas
with a minimum of one coat of sealant, except that the earphone cover joining seam and hem shall not be sealed on
the outside. Restitching of the waist drawcord tunnel shall be sealed on the outside only with a minimum of three
coats of sealant. Restitched hems and facing piece seams around the face openings of the hood shall not be sealed.
The coats of sealant shall be allowed to dry before the Parka & Trousers, Wet Weather are folded or before sealed
surfaces are allowed to contact other parts of the garment. Adequacy of the drying time may be determined by
unfolding a Parka & Trousers, Wet Weather which has been folded and stored for one hour. When the coats of
sealant are dry, the sealed seams shall be dusted thoroughly with mica dust. Use sealant prescribed for Parka &
Trousers, Wet Weather in Section III.