TM 10-8400-201-23
Use no more than a slight rotating motion of the iron and apply constant pressure. Remove the iron and
allow the patched area to cool in place about 5 seconds, or long enough so that the patch will not drift off
when the garment is removed from the ironing board.
Patches that are longer than the Iron may be ironed in sections, starting at the center and completing each
section before proceeding to the next section. Overlapping of the iron upon previously bonded section is
permissible. Carefully trim away any frayed protrusions at the torn edges.
(c) Quality control. Adjust heating, pressing, and cooling times as required for the iron being used. Check the
quality of the adhesive bond periodically and adjust heating times and temperatures.
Check Test. Periodically during the work and when adjusting the iron, test a
patch which has cooled for about 5 minutes by picking with the fingers at the
edge of the patch until a tab about 1/4- to 1/2-inch (0.74 cm to 1.27 cm) long is
formed. Pull hard on the tab with fingers. A well bonded tab will indicate that
iron adjustment and heating time are adequate. Replace the test patch with a new
1. If the adhesive strikes through the patch cloth, too much heat has been applied. Reduce time of pressing or
temperature of the iron. A small amount of strike-through is not objectionable provided the patch meets the
2. A bonded patch which has a lifted edge will be re-ironed. A bonded patch which has been subjected to the
check test will be replaced.
3. When patching by special automatic press, the platen temperature, dwell time, dwell pressure, and other
details shall be In accordance with the press manufacturer's Instructions.
c. Cleaning. Items shall be cleaned by individual laundering or by utilizing laundry facilities provided at the installation.
d. Direct Support Level of Maintenance.
(1) Preliminary examination and cleaning. Dirt, mud, dust, spots, mildew stain, and other foreign matter shall be
removed with a brush or by laundering. Mildewy and rotten items shall be discarded. Seams shall be tested by
grasping the item with both hands and pulling at right angles to the seam. Areas to be repaired shall be marked
crayon. Non-specification and personnel marks shall be erased or obscured.
(2) Laundry. Items shall be processed in laundry facilities In accordance with established practices set forth in FM
10-280. When such facilities are not available, items shall be laundered by contract with private Industry in
accordance with accepted commercial laundry practices.