TM 10-8400-201-232-5. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF UNIFORMS-Continued(b) Buttonholes. Buttonholes shall be of the eyelet-end taper-bar type worked over gimp. Repair damagedbuttonholes by reshaping enlarged buttonholes before reworking. Pull into shape and hand or machine whip asmall reinforcement patch to the underside of the buttonhole. Then rework buttonhole through the patch.(c) Belt loops and drawcord. Replace missing, broken or torn belt loops and drawcords with new parts of matchingsize and material. Such parts shall be fastened in a like manner to those being replaced and shall be properlypositioned. Material for drawcordshall conform to that listed in section III.(d) Pockets. Darn or machine patch small rips at corners or broken seams. Inside hanging pockets shall be repairedby piecing, when required.(e) Hems. Turn under all frayed hems and stitch in place.(f) Slide fasteners. Replace missing or defective slide fasteners with parts conformingto type specified in section III.(6) Resizing. Resize all garments after complete repair and cleaning according to item group schedule of sizes listedbelow. When items deviate in size from original marking, obliterate the old marking and print or stamp the propersize with an indelible pencil or waterproof ink near the old size. When the measurements do not correspond to a sizelisted, remark items to correspond to the next lowest size.Items with measurements falling below the lowestmeasurement in the schedule will not be accepted for remarking. Refer to appropriate table for measuring and sizingInstructions for each garment.(b) Shirt, utility, OG-507 (table 2-4).NOTEChest. Chest measurement shall be taken with shirt buttoned at a point in line with pit of armhole, from folded edge tofolded edge.Back length. Back length shall be taken along center of back from under collar seam to bottom edge of shirt.Sleeve length. Sleeve length shall be taken from center back of shirt at under collar seam diagonally across back alongsleeve to bottom edge of sleeve.Table 2-4. Shirt utility(Finished Measurements)Neck Size1/2 Chest12 1/218Back Length27 3/813 1/22028 3/814 1/22229 3/815 1/22430 3/816 1/22631 3/817 1/22832 3/8182932 7/8Tolerancel 314+ 1/2Sleeve Length‘1/2 inch over markedsize or as measuredif altered during repairs.+ 3/8 INCH2-10
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