TM 10-8400-201-23
Materials used in repair shall be serviceable materials recovered from similar salvaged items or new material. New
materials will be requisitioned from stock under the stock numbers and/or item descriptions in Section III, Materials, and
shall conform to the appropriate specifications. DO NOT USE SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS.
Prior to repair operations, each item shall be inspected by qualified personnel to determine the amount of repair
necessary The following methods shall be observed as fully as skills, facilities, funds, and local conditions permit. The
sequence of operations shall be determined by the repairing organizations, unless otherwise prescribed.
a. Organizational repair. The following repair will be accomplished by hand or by organized maintenance.
(1) Inspect. Inspect all subject items to determine the amount of repairs needed and whether such repairs can be
accomplished within the organization.
(2) Cleaning. The individual will clean the item to be turned in for repair or replacement. Cleaning of the Item will be
done in accordance with paragraph 3-15.
(3) Buttons. Replace missing or damaged buttons.
(4) Repair.
(a) Re-sew or patch rips, tears, and loose seams.
(b) Re-sew torn out buttonholes and slide fasteners and attach all belt loops that are torn loose.
b. Direct Support Maintenance.
(1) Inspection. Preliminary examination and cleaning-dirt, mud, dust, spots, mildew stains and other foreign matter shall
be removed by laundering. Mildewy and rotten items shall be discarded. Seams shall be tested by grasping the item
with both hands and pulling at right angles to the seam. Areas to be repaired shall be marked with chalk.
Nonspecification and personnel marks shall be erased or obscured.
(2) Cleaning. Items shall be processed in laundry facilities in accordance with Formula 1, FM 10-280. When such
facilities are not available, Items shall be laundered by contract with private industry but strictly in accordance with
the above listed formula.
(3) Repair
(a) Patching.