TM 10-8400-201-23
Patching and darning. Patching and darning may be applied to any area of the garment. Repair small tears not
more than 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) across with a darning or zigzag stitch. Patch holes with a patch having a diameter
of 1/2 Inch (1.27 cm) but less than 4 inches (10.2 cm). Repair rips, tears and thin areas greater than 1/2 inch
(1.27 cm) but less than 4 inches (10.2 cm) by patching. Patches shall match the garment in color and type of
material. Insert patch under the damaged area, cut away damaged area and turn edges under approximately 1/4
inch (0.635 cm). Cut patch large enough to extend not less than 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) and not more than 1 Inch
(2.54 cm) around the perimeter of the opening with a 3/8 inch (0.953 cm) turn-under of all edges except selvage
edges. Pre-cut all patches to provide for symmetry. Replace defective flaps except those flaps with very small
holes that can be darned Materials shall be those as specified In section III.
Buttons. Replace missing, loose or damaged buttons with buttons conforming to those listed In section III as
applicable. Attach the buttons securely and aligned with eyelet end of respective buttonholes
Buttonholes. Buttonholes shall be of the eyelet-end-taper-bar type worked over gimp. Repair damaged
buttonholes by reshaping enlarged buttonholes before reworking Then pull buttonhole into shape and hand or
machine whip a small reinforcement patch to the underside of the buttonhole Then rework buttonhole through the
Belt loop Replace missing, broken or torn belt loops with new parts of matching size and material Such parts
shall be fastened In a like manner to those being replaced and shall be properly positioned.
Pockets. Darn or machine patch small holes, small rips at corners, and broken seams of pockets. Replace
damaged patch pockets with new pocket of matching material and design. Inside hanging pockets shall be
repaired by piecing, when required
Hems. Turn under all frayed hems and stitch in place.
Waistband adjusting straps Replace missing or damaged waistband straps with new parts off like size and
Buckles. Replace missing, broken, or damaged buckles with like buckles in size and type specified in section III.
Slide fasteners Replace missing or defective slide fasteners with parts conforming the type specified In section
(4) Resizing. Resize all garments after complete repair and cleaning according to the item group schedule of sizes
listed in tables 3-2 through 3-6. When items deviate In size from their original marking, obliterate the old marking and
print or stamp the proper size with an indelible pencil or waterproof ink near the old size. When the measurements do
not correspond to a size listed, remark the items to correspond to the next lowest size. Items with measurements falling
below the lowest measurement in the schedule will not be accepted as conditioned.