(3) Preparation and Waxing of Skis. Keep the running surfaces of skis well waxed at all times. This is
necessary not only to help sliding and climbing but also for waterproofing to avoid warping. Use
appropriate wax, depending on type of snow on which skis are to be used. For waxing, refer to pages
66-69 of FM 31-70.
b. Direct Support Maintenance.
(1) Cleaning. Remove dirt and mud or any foreign matter by brushing, use of a vacuum or other
mechanical means, or by scrubbing with mild soap and water. Clean mildewed parts with mild soap
and water, allowing to dry thoroughly.
(2) Disassembly. Remove all bindings on skis and snowshoes requiring repair and refinishing. To remove
bindings on snowshoes unbuckle the straps, and pull them through the loops. To detach bindings on
skis, remove screws securing the binding.
(3) Wood Components. Do not repair severely warped or misshapen wood components.
(a) Skis (Type l).
1. Pairing and marking. Match skis in pairs for appearance, type, size, and weight. Do not remark for
flexibility. On skis requiring rematching, obliterate the old pair numbers and stamp new pair
numbers on each ski. Skis remaining as paired by original manufacture will retain the original
numbers. Remark skis with faint paint numbering with the original numbers. Skis will have the
proper size, length, pair number, and the letters US indented thereon. All remarking will be placed
as an original marking in an area 8 to 11 inches (20.3 to 27.9 cm) forward of binding location point,
located to read from the heel of ski.
a. Place the letters US in characters not less than 3/8 inch (0.952 cm) or more than 1/2 inch
(1.27 cm) high.
b. Identification serial numbers will be 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) high on each ski of a pair. Number
pairs commencing with 0001 each year.
(b) Snow shoes. Smooth or feather out by sanding or other approved mechanical means, edges and
surfaces that are slightly nicked provided that the strength or serviceability of the part will not be
materially reduced. After thoroughly cleaning all loose paint and corrosion, apply a coat of Primer
Coating Zinc Yellow, Federal Specification TT-P-666, allowing to dry completely. Then apply two
coats of white finish. After complete cleaning, repair and refinishing of snowshoes, assemble the
proper type bindings to the snowshoes as applicable. Match snowshoes for appearance, pairing
one right and one left as applicable. Initials indicating the repair depot and the year of repair, and a
serial number beginning with 0001 each year will be indented on both snowshoes of each pair,
adjacent, or as near as possible to the obliterated previous marking. Exercise care when marking
to prevent injury or distortion to the snowshoes. If finish is inadvertently broken while marking,
refinish as originally specified.
TM 10-8400-203-23