TM 10-8400-203-23
The six hoses, with needles, are used only for testing the black insulated
boot which has no air release valve.
On the right side of the excess moisture tester unit is a pressure gage, hand valve, and rubber
hose. Attached to the end of the rubber hose is a plexiglass spring-loaded device, used to hold
open the self-closing, air release valves so that they maybe billed with air. Hold the boot in the left
hand, and using the right hand, place the end of the plexiglass unit over the valve assembly, The
prong on the end of this unit will engage the head of the valve. Press downward to engage the
valve, and release.
Turn hand valve on the tester unit to allow air to go into the boot.
As soon as the arrow on the pressure gage reaches the red mark on the pressure gage (indicating
7 inches (178 mm) of water pressure), carefully disengage the plexiglass unit. The valve on the
boot will close and the boot will have air in the insulating chamber and will be inflated slightly. Do
not overfill; overfilling may damage the boot.
Place the boot in the water tank with the toe forward and under the toe bar to keep the boot from
rising. Fill the inside of the boot with water to approximately 4 inches (10.2 cm) from the top edge
of the boot. Three pairs of boots may be placed in the tank at the same time.
Observe whether there is a continuous flow of air bubbles escaping from the outside or inside
area of the boot; bubbles indicate a possible leak, Mark leak area with crayon. Small bubbles
escaping from around the eyelets or edge of the boot or eyelet stay do not constitute a leak,
because there is no insulation in this area. A boot with many pinhold leaks is considered
unrepairable from an economical viewpoint.
If there is a continuous flow of bubbles from the air release valve, replace the valve.
Remove the excess air in the insulation chamber of a boot to be repaired by opening the air
release valve for a few seconds.
Boots manufactured in 1962 and after have a manually-operated screw type valve (Schraeder
No. 9917). To inflate these boots, open the valve slightly and insert the end of the air hose over the
valve until desired pressure is obtained. Then close the valve.
f. Routine Repair. After the boot has passed the tests successfully, make repairs as follows:
Cuts, Holes, Tears and Punctures. Refer to paragraph 9-9c for repair procedures.
Leaky Air Release Valve or Missing and Bent Air Release Valve, The insulated boot has either a self-
closing or manually-operated air release valve, which provides for equalization of air pressure within
the insulation chamber when the boot is worn at a high altitude. If pressure is felt, rotate the manually-
operated valve stem counter-clockwise or pull the thong on the self-closing valve to release the air
pressure in the boot insulation.