TM 10-8400-203-23
(6) Change socks at least once daily.
(7) If your feet begin to get cold, button up all your garments and exercise the entire body by swinging
the arms, stamping the feet, and rapid movement of the toes.
(8) Wash the inside of boots with soapy water once a month.
(9) Boots should be inspected after each use for holes, cuts and punctures as the insulation can
become wet if the boot is accidentally punctured. Repair all outside and inside punctures imme-
diately to prevent moisture from wetting the sealed insulation, using the Emergency Individual
Repair Patch Kit for Insulated Boots. If this kit is not available, temporary repairs can be made by
patching with rubber or friction tape, pressure sensitive adhesive cellophane tape or even chewing
gum. Damaged boots should be turned in for repair or for new boots.
(10) The shelf on the heel holds a ski or snowshoe binding in place.
(11 ) For type I class 1, the air release valve on the outside of the boot equalizes air pressure at different
altitudes. To reduce boot swelling and foot discomfort when the boot is worn in unpressurized
aircraft or at high altitudes, open the valve allowing pressure to escape. Back at lower altitudes,
close again. Be sure to keep closed, except while airborne, to eliminate moisture penetration, DO
NOT TAMPER WITH AIR VALVE. USE ONLY WHEN NEEDED! For type I, class 2, no valves are
(12) Do not paint the inside of the boot for identification purposes or polish the boots with shoe polish as
this will result in deterioration of the rubber.
(13) Cleaning: Sprinkle lightly with general purpose scouring powder or similar cleaning powder. Wet a
soap impregnated steel wool pad and rub lightly. Rinse with water.
(14) Trench foot and frostbite are serious cold injuries which can cause painful and permanent disability.
These injuries can be prevented by proper care of your feet. No boot will keep your feet from freezing
if in sub-zero weather you remain motionless for several hours. Wear the insulated boot properly and