TM 10-8400-203-23
(d) Cement Patching. To apply cement patch, use cement furnished in tentage
8340-00-262-5767, and proceed as follows:
1. Place a board under the damaged area to provide a flat working surface.
repair kit, NSN
2. Select a patch that overlaps the damage with a margin of at least three-fourths inch on all
3. Center the patch over the damage, and while holding it in place, apply cement to it.
4. Apply cement over the edge of the patch to make a cement-guide circle on the canvas back.
5. Lift the patch and apply cement to the area inside the circle.
6. Allow the cement to dry to a gummy state and apply a second coat.
7. Press the cemented surfaces together while they are still wet.
8. Finish the repair by sealing the edge of the patch with the tip of the finger.
(4) Replace. Replace damaged canvas backs which have other than minor rips and tears or missing parts
with serviceable ones.
b. Plywood Frame.
(1) Service. Brush or wash off mud and foreign matter using brush, damp or dry cloth, or scrub with water
and mild soap; rinse and dry.
(2) Inspection. Inspect the plywood frame as follows:
(a) Inspect the frame for damage, splinters, rough areas, and areas of thin or missing paint.
(b) Check to see that rifle pin clips, rifle pins, rivets lashing hooks and lashing cord are present, in
serviceable condition, and properly utilized.
(3) Repair. Repair the plywood frame as follows:
(a) Sand and touch up painted areas that are nicked, scuffed or badly worn.
(b) Replace rifle pin if missing, badly rusted or damaged.
(4) Replace. Replace items as listed below:
(a) Replace damaged or missing lashing hook with a serviceable item. Remove old rivets and hook,
and rivet new hook in same location.