TM 10-8400-203-23
(b) Replace missing or defective lashing rope and lacing cords by fabricating new ones. Sew each
end of replacement rope or cord a distance of 2 inches (5.08 cm) to prevent fraying, using
overcast type 304 stitch (Fed Std 751), 14 to 16 stitches per inch (2.54 cm), and size E thread.
c. Shoulder Straps and Billets.
(1) Service. Brush webbing to remove dirt and dust. If excessively dirty, wash with water and mild soap;
rinse and allow to dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspection. Inspect shoulder strap and billets as follows:
(a) Inspect the webbing for cleanliness, broken or missing stitching, cuts, rips, tears, signs of extreme
wear, and other visible damage of any nature,
(b) Check to see that buckles, rivets, and end clips are present, in a serviceable condition, and
properly utilized.
(3) Repair. Re-sew broken or loose stitching on webbing with size F thread in the same manner as the
original construction.
(4) Replace. Replace worn, badly abraded, or damaged and missing webbing with serviceable webbing
fabricated to design and dimensions of part being replaced. Detailed fabrication of strap construction
and billet is covered in paragraphs 21 and 22 of FM 10-16.
d. Quick-Release Strap.
Service. Remove mud and foreign matter with brush, damp or dry cloth, or scrub with water and mild
soap; rinse and dry.
Inspection. Inspect the quick-release strap as follows:
Inspect the webbing for broken or missing stitching, cuts, rips, tears, signs of extreme wear, and
other visible damage of any nature.
Check to see that buckle (with thong) and end clip is present and serviceable.
Repair. Sew loose or broken stitching which secures buckles.
Replace. Replace worn or damaged strap as appropriate.
e. Shoulder Pads.
Service. Brush or wash off mud and foreign matter. Use damp or dry cloth as appropriate.
Inspection. Inspect stitching for loose, broken, or deteriorated threads. Insure that loops on shoulder
pads are securely sewed to pad.