TM 10-8400-203-23
(c) Position felt on duck, and sew according to details in B, Figure 12-27. Use Model 111W155
sewing machine or equivalent and size FF nylon thread, making 7 to 9 stitches per inch (2.54 cm).
(d) Position new strip panel on case, and sew according to original construction details. Use Model
97-10 sewing machine or equivalent and ticket No. 3 nylon thread, making 5 to 8 stitches per inch
(2.54 cm).
d. Repairing Tape, Webbing and Leather. Restitching is the only repair authorized for the tape, webbing, and
leather items on the weapons case. Restitch loose or broken stitching on the corner reinforcement,
tiedown loops, quick-adjustable buckle loop, and shock absorber loop with Model 7-33 sewing machine or
equivalent and ticket No. 3 nylon thread, making 5 to 8 stitches per inch (2.54 cm). Restitch flap thong and
slide fastener thong with Model 111W155 sewing machine or equivalent and size FF nylon thread, making
7 to 9 stitches per inch (2.54 cm). Restitch the leather reinforcement and all items of webbing not listed
above with Model 97-10 sewing machine or equivalent and ticket No. 5 nylon thread, making 5 to 8 stitches
per inch (2.54 cm). Lock all stitching at least ½ inch (1.27 cm).
e. Replacing Tape. The slide fastener thong, flap thong, tiedown tapes, and corner reinforcement may be
replaced. Replace items as follows:
Slide fastener thong, Replace a damaged or missing slide fastener thong with a 20-inch (50.8 cm)
length of ¾-inch (1.90 cm) type I cotton tape. Fold tape lengthwise, aligning edges and sew 1/8 of an
inch (0.318 cm) from the edge. Use Model 111W155 sewing machine or equivalent and size FF nylon
thread, making 7 to 9 stitches per inch (2.54 cm). Tie ends of tape together with an overhand knot, and
install tape on slide fastener.
Flap thong. Replace a damaged or missing flap thong with a 6-inch (1 5.2 cm) length of ¾-inch (1.90
cm) type I cotton tape. Fold tape lengthwise, aligning edges, and sew 1/8 of an inch (0.318 cm) from the
edge. Stitch thong to case as in original construction. Use Model 111W155 sewing machine or
equivalent and size FF nylon thread, making 7 to 9 stitches per inch (2.54 cm).
Tiedown tape or strap.
Replace a damaged or missing upper tiedown tape with a length of 1-inch (2.54 cm) type I cotton
tape. Cut a 54-inch (137.2 cm) length for the upper tiedown tape. Sear ends of tape as in
paragraph 12-5. Pass one end of the tape under tiedown loop, pull tape halfway through, and tie
tape to loop with a square knot.
Replace a damaged or missing lower tiedown strap by fabrication of a hook and pile lower leg
strap in accordance with following (Fig. 12-28 and 12-29):