TM 10-8400-203-23
g. Repair of Labels: if the label is in good condition, top-stitch the label using the appropriate thread
specified in 18-6, d, 2 and 18-6, f. In the carrier, stitch only to the back inner part; in the inserts, stitch
through all of the Kevlar plies.
h. Replace of Labels: If it is apparent that the stock number and size will not be legible when subjected to
wear after re-issue, or if the stitching is excessively damaged, remove the old label and stitch in a new one
using the appropriate thread and stitching procedure specified in 18-6, g.
Repair and cleaning will be done by personnel skilled in the particular trade applicable to their duties. All stitching
will be secure and free of loose or broken thread. The finished item will be complete, clean, well repaired, and
free from all defects affecting its serviceability and appearance.
The inspection or quality control element is responsible for determining compliance with repair instructions and
requirements for classification. in-process inspections will be performed for quality of workmanship and correct
application of repair procedures. The completed items will be inspected for serviceable appearance and
condition to insure against return of a substandard product to supply channels. The completed item shall be
further inspected to insure that two ballistic panels of the proper size have been inserted into each of the front
and back pockets of the carrier.
18-9. LABELS
a. Ballistic Inserts: Each ballistic insert shall have a combination size, identification and instruction label
conforming to Type Vl, Class 14 of DDD-L-20. The size and identification label shall be combined. The
item description for the front insert shall be Ballistic Insert, Front; Body Armor, Combat Vehicle
Crewmens Fragmentation Protective Undergarment. The item description for the back insert shall be the
same as for the front except substitute Back for Front. The label shall show fastness to accelerated
laundering. Contents of the size label shall be as follows for the specific size: