TM 10-8400-203-23Section Ill. MATERIALSFIG.NO.20-120-120-120-120-120-120-120-1ITEMNO.12345678SMRCODEPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZXBFZZPAFZZNSN5325-00-985-67188305-00-262-16438305-00-881-06048310-00-988-1298DESCRIPTIONSLEEPING BAG, EXTREME COLD WEATHERFastener, Slide, Type Ill, Style 1, Size MHSBlack or OD, 1 ± 1/16 703/4 inches long.Conforming to V-F-106. Source: YKK (USA)Inc, National Manufacturing Corp., 4234Ocumulgee East Blvd., Macon,GA31297or Talon, P.O. Box 518, Stanley, NC 28164.Fastener, Snap, Button, Style 2, (RegularWire Spring Clamp Type). Conforming toMIL-F-10884.Webbing, Snap Reinforcement. Cut to 1 1/4inches, Type II, Class-2, 1 inch wide, OD-7.Conforming to MIL-W-4088. Source: Eliza-beth Webbing Malls Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1168,Pawtucket, RI 02662.Webbing, Textile, Woven Nylon, Cut to 70 3/4inches, 1 inch wide, Class 2, OD-7. Con-forming to MIL-W-17337.Thread, Polyester, Size B, Type 1, Class 1,Subclass B, Color S-1, CA 66022. Conform-ing to V-T-285.Pull Tab, Cut 3 x 6 inches, Type Ill, Class 2,Color CG 483. Conforming to MIL-C-21852.Label: For Clothing Equipage and Tentage(General Use), Type VI, Class 15. Conform-ing to DDD-L-20. Source: E. 1 DuPont de Ne-mours and Co., Inc., Textile Fiber Dept, Wil-mington, DE 19898.Drawcord, Tunnel, Type Ill, Class 2, Color CG483. Cut to 3x39 1/2 inches. Conforming toMIL-C-21852.UNIT OFISSUEEAEAYDYDTUEAYD20-16 Change 6
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