TM 10-8400-203-23
(b) If the Heat Seam Sealer is not available, a commercial iron on a high steam setting, or a tailoring iron
on a medium steam setting may be used.
Temperature of iron shall not exceed 350° F (176°C) with the
addition of steam to prevent melting of the nylon tricot layer of
the fabric.
The following steps are to be followed:
1. Test temperature of iron to ensure proper setting. Apply heat to sample piece of heat sealing tape
to ensure nylon tricot layer does not melt. Adjust setting if necessary.
2. To apply heat sealing tape, place appropriate length of tape to inside of garment on area to be
repaired. With adhesive side of the tape against repair, apply iron in one location at a time. Do not
slide the iron back and forth. Apply pressure for 15 seconds. Turn garment to right side and apply
iron to same area again for 15 seconds to allow heat sealing tape to set.
3. Stitching and restitching. Repair all stitching and seams on the ECWSS and ICWSS components.
The type of stitching for various applications with the ECWSS and ICWSS are listed in Table
20-1. Seam allowances shall be maintained with seams sewn so that no raw edges, runoffs,
twists, pleats, puckers, or open seams occur. Overedge stitching shall be 3/16 to 1/4 inch gauge.
(a) Type 301 stitching. Ends of all stitching shall be backstitched or overstitched not less than 1/2 inch
(1.27 cm) except where ends are turned under or caught in other seams or stitching. Ends of continuous line of
stitching shall be overlapped not less than 1/2 inch (1.27 cm). Thread tensions shall be maintained so that there will be
no loose stitching resulting in loose bobbin or cut thread or excessively tight stitching resulting in puckering of the
material sewn. The lock shall be imbedded in the material sewn.
(b) Repairs of type 301 stitching. When thread breaks, skipped stitches, runoffs, or bobbin runouts occur
during sewing, the stitching shall be repaired by restarting the stitching a minimum of 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) back of the end
of the stitching. Thread breaks or two or more consecutive skipped or runoff stitches shall be repaired by overstitch-
ing. The stitching shall start a minimum of 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) beyond the defective area onto the existing stitching.
Loose or excessively tight stitching shall be repaired by removing the defective stitching without damaging the
materials, and restitching in the required manner. When making above repairs, the ends of the stitching are not
required to be backstitched.
(c) Type 401, 503, 504, 515, and 516 stitching is repaired in the same manner as type 301, except that
repairs to type 401 stitching requires both ends of all seams to have a 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) minimum chain extending
beyond each end unless they are caught in a seam or other stitching.
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