TM 10-8400-203-23
Piton, Mountain, Flat (Figure 22-3). The flat mountain piton is made of chrome-molybdenum steel with an
eye hole.
Type 1; Replaced by NSN 8465-00-240-2971, PN MIL-P-1474 Type I. Type I has a blade 3 1/4 inches, 3/16
inch blade length at midpoint, and a width of 7/8 inch at blade length midpoint The eye hole is 1-1/16 inch
in diameter.
Type H; NSN 8465-01-322-7828. Type II has a blade 3-3/8 inches, a thickness of 1/4 inch at blade length
midpoint, a width of 11/16 inch at blade length midpoint The eye hole is 1-1/16 inch in diameter.
Type Ill; NSN 8465-01-322-7429. Type Ill has a blade 3-1/2 inches, a thickness of 5/16 inch, a blade length
midpoint, and a width of 11/16 inch at blade length midpoint The eye hole is 1-1/16 inch in diameter.
Type IV; NSN 8465-01-322-7430. Type IV has a blade length of 6 inches, a thickness of 5/32 inch a blade
length midpoint, and a width of 1-1 /16 inch at blade length midpoint The eye hole is 1 -1/16 inch in diameter.
Type IV has a 3/1 6 inch radius hook cut into the side of the blade tip end of the piston.
d. Piton, Angle. (Figure 22-4). The angle piton is made of chrome-molybdenum steel with an eye hole.
Type 1; NSN 8465-01-322-7426. Type I has a blade 4-1/4 inches, a thickness of 5/8 inch, and an approxi-
mate wedge width of 3/4 inch. The eye hole has a diameter of 1 -1/16 inch.
Type II; Replaced by NSN 8465-00-240-2975, PN MIL-P-1474 Type V. Type II has a blade 5-5/8 inches,
a thickness of 3/4 inch, and an approximate wedge width of 7/8 inch. The eye hole has a diameter of 1-1 /16
Type Ill; NSN 8465-01-322-7427. Type Ill has a blade 5-5/8 inches, a thickness of 1 -1/4 inches, and an
approximate wedge width of 7/8 inch. The eye hole has a diameter of 1 -1/1 6 inch.
Rope, Kernmantle, (Figure 22-5). The kernmantle rope is nylon in constructio
. n consisting of a braided outer
nylon sheath (mantle) and an inner nylon core (kern). All ends of kernmantle ropes are to be cut with a hot
knife and taped to prevent fraying. The 11 mm type IV kernmantle rope is water repellent treated to resist water
penetration into the rope.
Type 1; NSN 4020-01-317-8183. Type I is 7 mm in diameter and 150 feet long.
Type H; NSN 4020-01-317-0127. Type II is 8 mm in diameter and 150 feet long.
Type Ill; NSN 4020-01-318-9712. Type Ill is 9 mm in diameter and 150 feet long.
Type Iv NSN 4020-01-318-9713. Type IV is 11 mm in diameter and 165 feet long.
Change 3 22-3