TM 10-8400-203-23
Type Vll; NSN 8465-1-319-4683. Type Vll is .855 inches in height and .600 inches in width. The
wire size is. 125 inches in diameter. The wire loop protrudes 7.5 inches below the bottom of the stop-
per head.
Type Vlll; NSN 8465-01-319-4684. Type Vlll is 1.250 inches in height and .900 inches in width. The
wire size is.125 inches in diameter. The wire loop protrudes 7.5 inches below the bottom of the stop-
per head.
Descender, Figure 8; NSN 8465-01-319-4690, (figure 2214). The figure 8 descender is made of alumi-
num with a soft anodized finish. The small end is large enough to accommodate two carabiners. The large
end can accommodate two 11 mm ropes.
Pulley, Mountain Rescue; NSN 3020-01-312-5112, (figure 22-15). The mountain rescue pulley has split
halves that enables the climber to put the rope in the pulley without having to thread the rope through the
pulley. The pulley sides and wheel are made of aluminum. The center bolt is made of steel and has a 3/8
diameter shaft. The shaft nut has a self-locking nylon insert. The pulley wheel has roller bearings and is
large enough to accommodate a 1 /2 inch diameter rope. The snap link hole is large enough to accommo-
date two snap links.
Axe, Ice; NSN 5110-01-313-0197, (figure 22-16). The ice axe is 70 cm in length from top of head to point
of spike. The head is made of either stainless steel with a riveted chrome-molybdenum steel pick or a one
piece chrome-molybdenum steel head. The pick has ground teeth on its underside and a 15 degree
angled droop. The adze (chopping portion of the head) is 5 1/2 cm wide and ground to a sharp edge. The
head has a hole directly above the shaft for attachment of the wrist loop. The shaft is made of hollow
aluminum or fiberglass. The spike is chrome-molybdenum steel and comes to a sharp tapered point.
Piton, Ice. (figure 22-17). The ice pitons are made of chrome-molybdenum steel. The eye is permanently
and firmly affixed to the top of the pitons. The tip is milled or hand ground teeth to create sharp points so it
will grab the ice when screwing the pitons into ice. The pitons have right hand threads to penetrate when
turned clockwise into the ice.
Type 1; NSN 8465-01-322-7425 Type I is 6-5/8 inches in overall length.
Type II; Replaced by NSN 8465-00240-2974, PN MlL-P-1474 Type I. Type II is 8-5/8 inches in
overall length.
Change 3