TM 5-6350-255-13
Section I. GENERAL
1-4. Equipment Serviceability Criteria This equipment
This manual is for your use in operating and maintaining
is not covered by an ESC.
the Alarm Set, Anti-Intrusion Restricted Area, MINISID
1-5. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent Enemy
III, Models AN/GSQ-154 (V) and AN/GSQ-154A (V).
Use When ordered by proper authority, proceed with the
In this manual the Alarm Set, Anti-Intrusion
destruction of the MINISID III as follows:
Restricted Area is referred to as MINISID III.
a. Mechanical Destruction. Using an axe, pick,
sledge or other heavy implement, damage all vital
elements such as controls, cable and battery, modules,
All dimensions and tolerances are given in U.S.
measurements and Metric measurements. All
b. Use of Natural Surroundings. Submergence of
Metric units are enclosed in parentheses.
the equipment and repair parts underwater (lakes,
ponds, swamps).
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records Maintenance
c. Gun Fire. Fire on equipment with the heaviest
forms and records that you are required to use, but not
weapon required aiming at the housings or controls.
limited to are: DA Form 2400;, DA Form 2402; DA Form
2404; and DA Form 2407. For detailed instructions, refer
Although one well-placed direct hit may render the
to TM 38750.
equipment inoperative, several hits may be required for
complete destruction of all components.
1-3. Reporting of Errors
1-6. Administrative Storage When storing the MINISID
You can help to improve this manual by calling attention
III for a prolonged period of time, always remove the
to errors and by recommending improvements. Your
battery. Dry batteries, being a perishable item will
letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
deteriorate during storage or shipment if the temperature
Publications), or DA Form 2028-2 (Recommended
exceeds +750F. (23.89C.) for any length of time. When
Changes to Equipment Technical Manuals), may be
storing the mercury cell battery from the MINISID III, the
used. Copies of DA Form 2028-2 are attached in the
same consideration should be given as perishable
back of the manual for your use. Please mail your
foodstuffs. For detailed instructions, refer to TM 740-90-
recommended changes directly to Commander, U. S.
Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTS-MPP,
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120. A
reply will be furnished directly to you.
the operating life of MINISID III. An
1-7. Purpose and Use
transmitter cap assembly is located on the opposite end.
a. The Alarm Set, Anti-Intrusion,
Restricted Area,
This assembly allows the manual attachment and
Models AN/GSQ-154 (V), and AN/GSQ-154A (called
removal of the whip antenna. When not in use, the wire
MINISID III) is a hand carried, field implanted, battery-
antenna is stored in a storage pouch on the carrying
powered seismic detector unit. The unit is contained in a
binocular shaped
aluminum housing. Three rotary
b. An identification tag (fig. 1-2) attached to the unit
switches are placed along t he top of the unit to control
provides code information for the proper setting of the
the electronics. These switches are protected from dirt
SECURITY switches when the unit is recovered. Rings
by a protective cover. A seismic geophone, capable of
are placed on each side of the case for attachment of the
being embedded in the ground and attached signal
carrying strap provided with the unit. The antenna is
cable is wound around and snapped into a holding
secured to one of the rings by a lanyard.
fixture on one end of the unit . A removable cap is
located on the same end to provide access into the
1-8. Overall Functional Description
housing for battery replacement. An interface connector
is also provided on the same end for attachment of add-
a. The MINISID III electronics uses unique modules
on units, including an external battery which can double
designed expressly for this application, and modules
from the family of multi-purpose units