TM 55-1615-226-40
1-1. General Information.
tions for improving this publication by the individual
user is encouraged. Reports should be submitted on
1-2. This technical manual contains instructions for
DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to DA PubIi-
scissors and sleeve assembly, part number 204-011-
cations) and forwarded direct to Commander, U.S.
401-11. (figure l-l) manufactured by Bell Helicopter
Army Aviation Systems Command, ATTN: AMSAV-
Company (FMC 97499), Fort Worth, Texas. Sections
MC, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri
I through IV of this techncal manual contain instruc-
tions for part number 204-011-401-11. Overhaul in-
structions for additional scissors and sleeve
1-5. Quality Control Personnel.
assemblies part number, 204-011-401-1-7 and 1-9 is
provided in section V by the use of difference data
1-6. Quality control personnel shall ensure complete
compliance with quality program and/or inspection
system requirements specified in the contract and
this manual. Any deviations from the established
requirements shall be approved by the contracting
officer or his designated representative.
1-7. Purpose Of The Equipment.
1-8. The purpose of the scissors and sleeve assembly
is to transmit cyclic and collective control to the main
rotor through a system of linkages.
1-9. Equipment Records.
1-10. The Army equipment record system and pro-
cedures established in DA PAM 738-751 apply to this
equipment. The applicable forms as required by DA
PAM 738-751 shall be used.
1-11. Description And Leading
1-12. The scissors and sleeve assembly operates in
conjunction with the swashplate. The collective
sleeve encircles the mast at the top of the transmis-
sion. Movement of the cyclic stick actuates linkage
transmitting cyclic and collective control to the main
rotor. The scissors and sleeve assembly consists of
collective sleeve assembly, scissors assembly, and
drive link assembly and their components.
1-13. Test Equipment, Special Tools,
Figure 1-1. Scissors and sleeve assembly (typical)
And Materials.
1-3. Reporting Of Errors.
1-14. Special test equipment is not required to per-
form the procedures in this manual. Special tools
1-4. Report of errors, omissions and recommenda-
required to perform the procedures in this manual
are listed in table 1-1 and in TM 55-1520-210-23P.
Change 4 1-1