TM 55-1615-226-40
0-2 Special
Inspection The following evaluation
criteria will be followed for scissors and sleeve assemblies
that have been subject to accident or unusual incident.
a. Carefully inspect assembly component visually for
any apparent darnage or abnormal appearance. Obvious
defects which are cause to scrap entire assembly are
(1) Severe bind in any pivot joint.
(2) Severe bind between hub and sleeve,
b. Any detail part within the scissors and sleeve
assembly which has sustained surface darnage shall be
subject to surface darnage inspection and repair as outlined
in this technical manual. Surface darnage in excess of
overhaul manual limits shall require scrapping only
damaged parta.
c. An unworn bolt shall fit freely through bushings in
the drive link. Any bind is cause to scrap drive link.
d. Straight edge check cylinder portion of collective
sleeve for deformation. Warpage exceeding .005 inch in a 5
inch length is reason to scrap sleeve.
e. All machined flat surfaces surrounding lugs, holes,
and bushings of entire assembly should be straight edge
checked for deformation. Deviations from flat exceeding
.002 inch will require scrapping part.
f. Proceed with normal overhaul in accordance with
applicable instructions, including magnoflux and zyglo is
required therein.
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