TM 55-1680-350-10
It is recommended that the parachute harness not he
removed unless it is necessary, as the harness may be
useful during rescue operations.
(3) Partially deflate one cell of the life pre server and pull it inside of the
harness. Slip out of that side of the harness which contains the partially deflated life
preserver cell. Reinflate the deflated cell orally using the cell oral inflation tube.
(4) Repeat the procedure in (3) to remove the opposite side of the harness. Do
not discard the parachute harness. as it may be of further use.
(5) Check the inflated pressure in the life raft and. if required. increase the
inflation pressure using the oral inflation tube and the procedures in paragraph 2-2a.
(6) Cover yourself with the spray shield installed on the fife raft as protection
against saltwater spray. hot sunrays or cold.
(7) Pull the survival kit aboard the raft. Open