TM 55-1680-350-10
2-8. Wood Matches
It matches are used while afloat in the life raft, insure you
use extreme care to prevent damage to the life raft or the
life preserver.
The individual, overwater. survival kit is equipped with one box of non-safety wood
matches (6. fig. 2-1). The matches are to be used on land as a fire starter when you
are in need of warmth, when cooking rations, or to produce smoke signals for
attracting rescue parties. Upon opening a container of matches. insure the container
contents are transferred to the waterproof matchbox for further protection from
moisture or damage.
2-9. Sunburn-preventive Preparation
The sunburn preventive preparation (7. fig. 2-1) is a lotion type preparation contained
in a plastic bottle. This preparation is for application to the exposed areas of the
face. neck, or other parts of the body to prevent or treat sun and windburn.