Figure 74. Plan view of car.
Figure 75. Side view of car.
Figure 76. Center gate.
containers are braced away from unfilled space by the use of
steel strapping secured to the car.
Divided Load-Containers or commodities are loaded in each
Bonded Block Method of Loading-A method of loading
end of car having unfilled lengthwise space in doorway area.
providing for the stowing of containers in a series of blocks,
Floating Unit Load-A load in which the lading is consolidated
each block being bonded together both lengthwise and
into one or more units by encircling with steel strapping.
crosswise of the car.
Space should be provided at each end of the unit to permit
Controlled Floating Load-A method using controlling plates,
movement over car floor.
anti-skid plates, lag screws, or other retarding devices to hold
Lengthwise Load-A load in which the containers are arranged
the lading in I position but which permits a restricted
lengthwise of the car.
lengthwise movement of the floating load.
Crosswise Load-A load in which the containers are arranged
crosswise of the car.