the car. They may be placed directly against the load or may
Mixed Load-A load consisting of two or more sizes or types of
hold in position the uprights that are against the load.
containers or commodities.
Divisional or Intermediate Gate-The structure placed within the
On-End Load-The arrangement of containers in the car with
load to divide the load into individual units or to segregate
the ends of the containers towards the floor of the car.
loads of different types and sizes of containers or
Palletized Load-A method of loading palletized units.
Rigid Braced Load-A divided load that is held in fixed position
Doorway Protection-Wood or other material or steel straps, or
by GATES or CROSS BRACING securely fastened to the car
a combination thereof, extending across the door opening to
prevent lading falling or rolling out at doorway or coming in
Stop-Off Cars-A load, portions of which are consigned to two
contact with door. If the inside face of the doorway protection
or more destinations, to complete loading or unloading.
is even with the inside face of the car wall, it is called flush.
Through Load-A load with or without end gates, in which the
End Gate-The structure placed against the end walls of the
containers occupy length of car floor including the doorway
car to take up lengthwise space in a through load, or to
protect the lading in cars with unlined corrugated steel ends.
Fillers (Between Layers)-Material, usually boards, placed
between layers of commodities in drums or in other
A Frame-A prefabricated structure made in the form of an A
Floating Gate-A Space filler to occupy unfilled lengthwise
and running lengthwise of the car for the shipment of marble
space and not secured to the car structure.
slabs or other like articles on edge.
Floor Blocking-Lengthwise or crosswise pieces of lumber
Anchor Plates-Steel plates slotted to facilitate the threading
nailed to the car floor to secure lading in position in the car.
and wrapping with steel strap and drilled to permit nailing to
Floor Diagonal-A bracing member applied at an angle with the
car posts or floor. Used with anchored steel strap loading
floor to reinforce a crossbrace.
Guide Rails-Side bracing nailed to car floor and applied
Backup Cleats-Cleats that are nailed to car floor or walls and
lengthwise of load to prevent cross car movement or maintain
applied lengthwise to car to reinforce blocking and bracing
alignment of lading.
Hold-Down Cleats-Reinforcing pieces nailed to car walls and
Bearing Pieces-Material placed on car floor, underneath
used to prevent the rise of cross braces or gates.
lading, to facilitate loading or unloading, and to distribute
K Brace-Rigid brace made up of a cross brace that bears
weight of lading over floor of car.
against the load, held in position at the car walls with pocket
Bilge Protection-Horizontal pieces of lumber that are nailed to
cleats and reinforced by two diagonal pieces likewise secured
the end walls of the car and to gates; these pieces being
by pocket cleats to the car walls, the assembled parts
located above and' below the bilge of a barrel so as to prevent
resembling the letter K. A crosspiece (one-third car width) is
pressure being exerted upon the bilge.
nailed to the center of the main cross brace and separates the
Center Cleat (K Brace)--The member against which the end of
diagonal pieces.
the arms of K rest where contacting cross car brace.
Knee Brace-A reinforcing member for a floor diagonal. Brace
Center Gate-The structure placed between the two parts of a
extends from center of floor diagonal to the floor. One end of
divided load to fill the lengthwise space not occupied by the
brace is secured to the diagonal and the other end to a floor
load in the doorway. May be a floating type or rigidly attached
Partial Layer-As distinguished from incomplete layer, partial
Chock Blocks-Concave or mitered blocking pieces used to
layer extends length of car as complete rows.
secure objects in position.
Pneumatic Dunnage-Fabricated rubber units capable of
Collar Bracing-Wood or metal members used to secure high
inflation to serve as a space filler.
objects against tipping lengthwise or crosswise in the car and
Pocket Cleats-Three individual pieces of lumber arranged to
located above the center of gravity of the object.
form a pocket to receive end
Corner Protection-Material assembled to form an L and
placed against edge of face of load to distribute the pressure
of steel straps and prevent cutting of lading.
Crossbrace-A single member applied crosswise of car against
lading to secure it in position.
Crosspieces-The horizontal pieces of wood in a center gate,
end gate, or other space fillers extending across the width of