or serviceability unknown.
However. when new
age into a large single lot for the purpose economy in
procurement is involved, serviceability will be based
upon acceptance inspection in lieu of prior surveillance.
(a) Kind and type. All items must be the same
kind and type; i.e., Impregnating Set Clothing, Field, M3.
(4) Mixed lot. A mixed lot is created by
(b) Storage. All items must be stored under
combining those items wherein identification with regard
similar conditions at the same depot.
to manufacturer, lot number, or the time of manufacture
(c) Serviceability lot status.
All lots must
are incomplete. 100 items or less may be combined to
possess the same serviceability lot status; i.e.,
form a mixed lot of not more than 500 items. All items
serviceability known (based upon prior surveillance) or
must possess the same technical history; i.e., kind, type
serviceability unknown.
However, when new
and model.
procurement is involved, serviceability will be based
(a) Kind, type and model. All items must be of
upon acceptance in lieu of prior surveillance.
the same kind, type and model, i.e., Impregnating Set,
Clothing, Field, M3.
(2) Manufacturer's lot.
A manufacturer's
(b) Packing. All items must have the same type
consists of those items manufactured or assembled by
one manufacturing or reconditioning activity and bearing
(c) Storage. All items must be stored under
the same manufacturing or reconditioning agency's lot
similar conditions at the same depot.
identification number.
(d) Serviceability lot status.
All lots must
(a) Packing. All items must have the same:
possess the same serviceability lot status; i.e.,
serviceability known (based upon prior surveillance) or
type packing and identification marking.
serviceability unknown.
However, when new
(b) Storage. All items must be stored under
procurement is involved, serviceability will be based
similar conditions at the same depot.
upon acceptance inspection in lieu of prior surveillance.
(c) Serviceability lot status.
All lots must
possess the same serviceability lot status; i.e.,
d. Sampling. Sampling will be conducted as follows:
serviceability known (based upon prior surveillance) or
(1) Container's. A sample quantity of containers
serviceability unknown.
However, when new
will be randomly selected as indicated in table 1 and a
procurement is involved, serviceability will be based
visual examination will be performed for packaging,
upon acceptance inspection in lieu prior surveillance.
packing, marking and preservation as specified in table
(3) Miscellaneous lot. A miscellaneous containing not
(2) End item.
A sample quantity of
more than 500 items, will be created by combining small
Impregnating sets will be randomly selected as indicated
manufacturer's lots lot fragments possessing the same
in table 1 and subjected to a visual examination. In
technical history; i.e., manufactured by the same
addition, the sample, or portion thereof as specified in
technical procedure (indicated by the same lot series
table 1, "will be
subjected to
the test (s) specified in
section 6. Those containers of impregnite XXCC3
selected for test will be sampled as follows:
(a) Kind, type and model. All items must be of
the same kind, type and model; i.e., Impregnating Set,
(a) By inserting a sampling thief into the
Clothing, Field, M3.
impregnite in the container, obtain 2 cores of
(b) Manufacturer. Each small lot or fragment
impregnite, one from the center axis of the container
must be the product of the same manufacturing or
and the other from one-eighth to one-sixth of the
reconditioning agency.
diameter away from the side of the container. A suitable
(c) Time of fabrication. All items must have
sampling thief may be made from a 3 1/2 foot piece of
been manufactured, fabricated, or reconditioned within a
1-inch pipe by cutting from the lower 2 1/2 feet, a
period of two years.
section about one-third of the circumference in width,
(d) Packing. All items must have the same type
parallel to the axis of the pipe. The end of the pipe is
packing and identification marking.
rounded so that it readily passes through the material.
(e) Storage. All items must be stored under
similar conditions at the same depot.
(b) The 2 cores of impregnite will be mixed
(f) Serviceability lot status. All items must
thoroughly and placed in a clean dry sample jar which
possess the same serviceability lot status i.e.,
should be glass-stoppered, or one with a plastic cap.
serviceability known (based upon prior serviceability)