SB 740-94-8
chemical requirements of established specifications and
1-1. Purpose. This supply bulletin provides the basic
drawings (this includes renovated, reworked, and
information and detailed inspection procedures required
reconditioned lots).
to determine the serviceability status of riot control
agent dispersers and ancillary items.
(8) Miscellaneous lot. A combination of a
single manufacturer's small lots or lot fragments
1-2. Scope.
The provisions of this bulletin are
possessing the same technical history.
mandatory for use in conducting all types of surveillance
(9) Mixed lot. A combination of the same
inspection, as identified in this bulletin, on all chemical
kind and type of materiel wherein identification of the
materiel listed by National Stock Number (NSN) in
manufacturer, the lot number, or the time of
manufacture is incomplete.
the Army depots and to depot activities. This bulletin is
(10) Initial Receipt inspection (IR).
not intended for use by organizations having stocks in
inspection performed on newly manufactured materiel
basic loads.
received directly from a vendor, manufacturer, or
government activity. The purpose is to determine if the
1-3. Definitions. a. Commonly used quality assurance
items, the packing, or the packaging have been
terms. Refer to MIL-STD-109 for definitions of these
damaged in transit, and whether the preservation,
packing, packaging, and marking are correct. This
inspection is not intended as a manufacturer's
b. Specialized terms. The following definitions
acceptance-type inspection.
apply to specialized terms used in this bulletin.
(11) Occurrence basis.
(1) Stage I corrosion, metals. Discoloration
inspection without a predetermined time frame which is
or staining with no direct visual evidence of pitting,
performed as the need occurs, e.g., Initial Receipt
etching, or other surface damage.
inspection (IR) is performed when the shipment arrives.
(2) Stage II corrosion, metals. Red, brown,
(12) Periodic
green, black, or white corrosion product accompanied by
Surveillance performed on materiel in storage on a
minor etching or minor surface pitting. No scale to tight
cyclic basic. The cycle is established in appendix A and
given as Inspection Frequency Codes (IFC). The
purpose is to determine the serviceability status of items
(3) Stage III corrosion, metals. Red, brown,
at the end of each cycle.
green, black, or white corrosion product with or without
etching, pitting, or more extensive surface damage
(13) Pre-issue inspection (PI). The inspections
resulting in a loose or granular condition.
and tests on materiel immediately prior to issue.
(4) Stage IV corrosion, metals. Red, brown,
(14) Prestorage inspection (PS). An inspection
green, black, or white corrosion progressed to the point
performed on materiel received from other depots,
where fit, wear, function, or life of the item has been
posts, camps, stations, or overseas returns received
affected. Powdered or scaly condition with pits or
within CONUS. The purpose is to determine receipt
irregular areas of material removed from the surface of
condition and the current degree of serviceability of the
the item.
items when the serviceability status is unknown.
(5) Depot lot.
A combination of lots,
(15) Quality defect code. A numeric code
irrespective of manufacturer or age, of the same kind
assigned to indicate the category of a given defect and
and type of materiel grouped into one large single lot for
to identify, by explanation, that particular defect.
the purpose of economy in surveillance.
(16) Defect Number.
A numeric code
(6) Grand lot. All lots of the same kind and
associated with a particular defect.
The defect
type of materiel from one manufacturer or
designated by the number is not permanent such as in
reconditioning agency grouped into one large lot for the
(15) above, but is redefined in each table where the
purpose of economy in surveillance.
number is used, although often the definition will closely
parallel a quality defect code definition. Sequential
(7) Manufacturer's lot. A quantity of one item
numbers starting with 1 are critical defects; sequential
of materiel, manufactured or assembled in one plant,
numbers starting with 101 (1XX) are major defects; and
from raw materials or components of the same physical
sequential numbers starting with 201 (2XX) are minor
characteristics, under uniform conditions designed to
effect homogeneity, and meeting definite physical and