SB 740-94-8
(17) Serviceable. The condition of an item that has
been determined by inspection to be satisfactory and
(22) Test required code (TRC).
A three-digit
safe for its intended use.
numeric-alpha code which is used to indicate that only a
simple examination is required.
All inspection
(18) Shelf-life code (SLC). A code assigned to a
requirements are contained in the coded standards or
shelf-life item to identify a period of time beginning with
the codes provide cross-referencing to inspection
the date of manufacture or assembly, at the termination
requirements that are in addition to those contained
of which the item must be used or be subjected to
within the coded standards appendix (app A). These
additional inspection requirements might be standards
(19) Shelf-life item. An item of supply possessing
or existing test methods, peculiar instructions, or
deteriorative or unstable characteristics to the degree
peculiar inspection procedures.
that a storage time period must be assigned to assure
(23) Unit basis inspection An inspection where each
that it will perform satisfactorily in service. There are
unit in the lot is inspected for the defect characteristic
two types of shelf-life items:
under consideration. The unit basis is also used for
(a) Type I shelf-life item An item of supply
serially-numbered major end items that are considered
which is determined, through an evaluation of technical
separately for surveillance purposes.
test data or actual experience, to be an item with a
(24) Unserviceable. The condition of an item that
definite non-extendable shelf life.
has been determined by inspection to be unsatisfactory
(b) Type II shelf-life item An item of supply
or unsafe for its intended use.
having as assigned shelf life which may be extended
after completion of a prescribed inspection, a test, or a
Errors or Omissions.
Forward comments
restorative action.
regarding errors or omissions to this bulletin on DA
(20) Special inspection (S). A special inspection is
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications
the inspection performed at the direction of higher
and Blank Forms) to the Commander, US Army
headquarters or as deemed necessary to satisfy local
Armament Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN:
installation requirements.
DRSAR QAE, Rock Island, IL 61299; and send an
(21) Storage Serviceability Standard (SSS).
information copy to the Commander, US Army
technical document containing inspection instructions
Armament Research and Development Command,
and criteria essential to determine serviceability of
ATTN: DRDAR-QAC-R, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
materiel in storage.
Storage Serviceability Standards are
published as DA Supply Bulletins