TB 750-105
Table 2. Inspection Standards - Continued
Inspection standards
*Oil consumption .........
Compute the oil consumption from the log book entries for the period between the last two oil changes.
(Do not include change oil in the computation.) The maintenance standards are the PMCS inspection
column and any other maintenance instructions provided in the TM.
Pneumatic ponton ........
Must be in good serviceable condition with all bulkheads intact and tested in accordance with SB 740-97-2
and SB 790-99-1. Emergency repair kit must be complete. Skirts, straps and connecting eye must be
properly laced. The floats must be completely deflated, properly rolled and laced in carrying cases.
*Racks and bows .........
Must fit properly and have no broken, loose or missing parts. Must be sound and usable for the intended
purpose. Wooden parts must have no indication of slivering, dry rot or fungus.
Roller circle, roller, .......
Must be free of cracks, seized or damaged rollers; misalinement; missing or damaged grease fittings;
ring gear
broken or damaged ring gear teeth.
Sawmill components ....
Check for damaged or missing conveyor carriage sawdust blower or trackway components. Saw blades
must not be cracked, warped, out of round or have loose, damaged or broken teeth.
Screening and feed ......
All components must be in good serviceable condition and be free of any obvious or visually apparent
mechanism, rolls, jaws
defects. Jaws and crusher rollers must be new or equal to new condition.
Sheaves, drum, cable,
All components must be in good serviceable condition free from any obvious or visible defects. Clutch and
clutch and brake
Brake bands should be in new or equal to new condition so as not to impair the operation of the applicable
crane shovel components.
Special purpose ............
Special purpose equipment, mounted on the vehicle must have at least 50 percent of its useful life
remaining and have all normal and/or special purpose. Modification kits and/or components properly
installed. If shipment/issues standards have not been published ensure that the equipment will perform
Spray equipment and ....
Check for damaged or clogged intake filter, broken or collapsed suction hoses, leaking seals, packing,
gaskets, etc.
Steering system ............
Must be free of cracked, broken, sagged or bent parts. Steering gear must be free of leaks and fastened
securely. Check for correct caster, camber, toe-in, toe-out. Check for air and oil leaks.
Suspension ...................
Must function properly and be free of cracked broken, sagged or bent parts. Torsion bar attachment (if
applicable) must be firm. Shock absorbers must function and be free of leaks.
Tires and tubes ............
Tires may be new, used or recapped. Used tires shall have a like new appearance and approach original
serviceability. Tires which are obviously worn, cracked, scuffed, or bruised will not be acceptable.
Recapped tires shall have new or equal to new tread and have good appearance. Side walls should not be
excessively scuffed or weather cracked; new tread shall be full recap and joined to the casing in a
workmanlike manner. Direct and non-directional type tread shall not be mixed on vehicles. Tires should
have new or like new tubes as required.
Track and road wheels .
Must be in good serviceable condition and free of any obvious or visually apparent defects. Look for
excessive track wear, seized or misalined track rollers or
* See footnote at end of table p.6