TB 750-105
number and design. It will set forth all the pertinent facts in the case, including the specific standards of this bulletin on
which a deviation is requested. The equipment will not be shipped or transferred until a letter or message has been
received granting the deviation. A copy of the deviation approval will accompany the shipping documents and be so
annotated on the Control Record, DA Form 2408-9.
13. Qualified Equipments. Those equipments which qualify for shipment or transfer in accordance with this bulletin
will be shipped or transferred as directed by competent instructions.
14. Disquallified Equipments. Those equipments which do not qualify for shipment or transfer will either be re-
issued to users within the Command (if no transfer to another stock record or property book account is involved) or
become candidates for depot overhaul, cannibalization, or other disposition action as required by existing regulations.