e. Loose cords or splices.
Dual tires, driving tires, and tires on all wheel drive
vehicles shall be measured after mounting on rim and
f. Treads which are cut, chunked, cupped, or cracked
properly inflated. When dual tires have the permissible
to a degree that will impair the serviceability.
difference in measurement, the larger (diameter) tire shall
g. Broken or damaged beads.
be mounted on the outside. Permissible differences are
h. Sidewalls that are damaged in any manner that
as follows:
will affect the serviceability of the tire.
Nail holes or cuts not properly repaired.
Outside diameter of tire
Permissible difference
Serviceability of tires, relative to end item application will
In diameter
In circumference
be considered when determining their replacement.
Under 30 inches
1/4 inch
3/4 inch
Tubes are not acceptable if any of the following conditions
From 30 to 40 inches
3/8 inch
1-1/8 inch
are found:
Over 40 inches
1/2 inch
1-1/2 inch
(1) More than 6 patches on tubes under 900 size.
(2) More than 10 patches on tubes 900 size and
Tires worn irregular but not worn beyond the minimum
tread depth shall be mounted on the rear driving wheels.
(3) Length of damage exceeds 4 inches.
Tires are not acceptable if any of the following conditions
(4) Weather or age checked.
are found:
Valve stems shall be of required contours and free of
a. Less than 50 percent of original tread depth across
damaged threads or erroded areas extending through
face of tire remaining.
more than 20 percent of the stem wall thickness.
42. Tires, Solid, Rubber. Refer to TM 9-2630-200 14
for inspection and replacement requirements.
c. Tread or ply separation.
Checks, cracks, or cuts that will impair