(2) Fan flywheel shall be free of cracked or
This includes hydraulic, electrical,
broken vanes.
mechanical and air operated. Controls shall not be bent
c. Engine Air Shrouds and Cooling Fins. Air shrouds
or cracked; springs shall be in place and control linkage
shall be securely mounted and have no air leaks. Cooling
properly adjusted and tightened in accordance with
fins shall not be broken or clogged by foreign materials.
manufacturer's specification.
d. Cylinder Cooling Fins. Cylinder cooling fins shall
17. Controls and Instrument Panels. This includes
be free of breaks, corrosion and foreign materials which
meters, contact relay, solenoids, switches, warning lights,
instruments and other operating components of controls.
e. Shutters. Air shutter shall be securely mounted
All controls and instruments shall be functionally checked.
and free of foreign materials. If thermostat operated,
Unsealed instruments and gages which are damaged or
shutter shall be fully opened when operating temperature
defective shall be repaired or replaced. Leaking air or
is reached and fully closed when engine is cold. Radiator
hydraulic components are not acceptable. Dial, glass or
shutters shall be free of dents that result in malfunction
plastic surfaces shall be free of scratches or discoloration
and shall be free of cracks and be properly aligned.
that would impair instrument reading from any angle.
Automatic operation shall be in accordance with
Instruments and gages shall be free of moisture, dirt, rust
applicable DMWR-DATM or manufacturer's manuals.
and other foreign material. Hermetically sealed gages or
Manual shutters shall operate correctly, if so equipped.
instruments shall be replaced when glass or case is
21. Cushions and Seats.. Seat supports, risers and
cracked or when gage is found defective.
brackets shall be free from cracks, distortion, corrosion,
18. Cooling System, Amphibious. a. Radiator shall be
and unsound welds.
Adjuster assemblies shall be
cleaned, and tested at 2 to 4 pounds air pressure above
complete and free from any damage or misalignment
radiator pressure cap rating.
which restricts movement or prevents positive locking.
b. Keel Cooler. Pressure test at 50 p.s.i. air.
Seat frames shall operate without binding at pivot points.
c. Heat exchanger, Torque Converter. Pressure test
Damage, other than minor dents in sheet metal panels
at 15 p.s.i. air.
and slight sag (1/4 inch or less) in cushion supports shall
d. Heat exchanger, Engine Oil. Pressure test at 15
be repaired. Spring assemblies shall not be broken or
p.s.i. air.
deformed and shall be corrosion free.
Pads are
Cooling System Mobile and Stationary
acceptable when dry, resilient, and free of mold or other
Equipment. a. The radiator shall be cleaned and tested,
at 2 to 4 pounds air pressure above radiator pressure cap
serviceable if free of oil, grease, paint, heavy stains, rot or
rating. External surfaces and fins shall not show damage
loose seams. Patching of seat covering is not acceptable.
that affects the serviceability of the unit. Radiator core
All seat cushions and seat backs in individual equipment
tubes shall not be blocked. Radiator caps shall maintain
shall be of like material and similar shades.
specified pressure.
22. Cutting Edge. This includes cutting edges, end bits,
b. Air deflectors and shroud shall not be cracked or
scarifier, and bucket teeth. These items shall have 50
distorted. Single dents not in excess of I/4 inch deep and
percent of their service life remaining. Reversible cutting
covering an area greater than 1 square inch and not more
edges shall have one new edge. Cutting edges showing
than 2 dents in any 6 inch square area are acceptable.
wear in excess of 50 percent on the initial side shall be
Dents must not obstruct or interfere with performance or
reversed. End bits shall be reversed, rebuilt, or replaced
fit. Dents resulting in a clearance of less than 1/2 inch for
to be compatible with the cutting edge. Rebuilt scarifier
the fan blades shall be removed.
and bucket teeth are acceptable.
c. Reconditioned radiator shall be painted with 1 thin
23. Data Plates. a. Data plates shall be located in the
coat of black or olive drab lacquer.
area adjacent to the manufacturer's plate and shall be
20. Cooling System (Air). a. Shrouding, Cylinder Block
stamped, or if necessary, replaced to provide a record of
and Head Fins.
(1) The shrouding shall be free of bends, cracks
b. The data will be stamped with 1/8 inch letters and
or breaks and shall be securely mounted.
shall include the following:
(2) The fins on the cylinder block and head shall
(1) Initials of facility performing overhaul and job
be unpainted and free of foreign material which impedes
order number.
(2) Date of overhaul.
b. Intake Air Screen and Fan Flywheel.
(3) Total operating time since new.
(1) Intake air screen shall be unclogged and free
of breaks.