the overall contour is not changed. Normal distortion
and tested in accordance with MIL-P-11386E.
caused by forming or spot welding operations is
Emergency repair kit shall be complete. Skirts, straps
acceptable. Rust pitting which does not reduce the metal
and connecting eyes shall be properly laced. The floats
thickness more than 50 percent in any area is acceptable.
shall be completely deflated, properly rolled and laced in
Sheetmetal used as structural members or stiffeners with
carrying cases.
rust pitting which does not reduce the metal thickness
36. Propeller (Amphibious). Clean, inspect, repair and
more than 30 percent in any area is acceptable.
test. Clean propeller to remove all corrosion. Buff
Sheetmetal distortion in the form of waves, sags, or
smooth with fine sand paper. The shaft and propeller
bulges will not exceed 3/16 inch per foot. Single dents
keyway and taper hub shall be checked for fit with
not in excess of 1/8 inch deep and covering an area
prussian blue. Straighten propeller blades with lead
greater than 1 inch square with not more than 1 per 12
hammer and pitch blocks. Fill broken edge of blades
inch square area are acceptable.
using acetylene torch and rod in accordance with
(2) Heavy gage. This includes bumpers, tractor
propeller type of material and data. Propeller shall be
fenders, brush guards, track guards, decking and floor
statically balanced within 1/2 ounce-inch per 10 pounds of
plates, etc. Sheetmetal with cracks or breaks is not
propeller weight.
acceptable. Cracks and breaks shall be welded and in
noticeable areas ground smooth. Welded patches are
connections and contact points on components that may
acceptable provided the welding is ground smooth in
emit a static charge or electrical disturbance shall be
noticeable areas and the overall contour is not changed.
properly connected or securely grounded, to insure that
Sheetmetal distortion in the form of waves, sags, or
bulges shall not exceed 3/8 inch per 18 inches. Single
refers to generators, starters, magnetos, regulators,
dents not in excess of 5/16 inch deep and covering an
breaker points, relay contacts, spark plugs, ground
area greater than 2 inches square with not more than 2
connections, etc. The suppression techniques shall be in
per 18 inch square area are acceptable.
accordance with the electrical diagram for the end item
(3) Earthmoving Attachments. This includes
and TB ENG 68 "Radio Interference Suppression,
dozer blades, moldboards, scoop buckets, dump bodies,
Techniques for Engineer Equipment."
etc. Also includes crankcase guards. Sheetmetal with
cracks or breaks is not acceptable. Cracks and breaks
38. RAMP (AMPHIBIOUS). Operate to assure proper
shall be welded. Patches are acceptable provided the
opening and closing. Inspect seals. No rip or tears shall
overall contour is not changed. (Welding and patching
be present. The ramp sealing area shall prevent water
must not retard the flow of material). Minor dents-or
from entering the amphibious equipment.
distortion which does not affect operation or replacement
39. Seals and Gaskets. Gaskets and seals (does not
of cutting edges and end bits are acceptable. Distortion in
include metallic ring-type seals) which show evidence of
the form of waves, sags, or bulges shall not exceed 1 inch
leakage or which have been disturbed during repair or
per foot. Single dents not in excess of 1 inch deep and
overhaul, shall be replaced. Metallic ring-type seals
covering an area greater than a 2 inch square are
which do not show damage or evidence of leakage may
Overall appearance and component
be reused providing the mating wear surfaces are
application must be considered.
reinstalled in the same location. Cork and felt gaskets
c. Trucks, Vanes and Trailers. Reference b(1) and
shall be used one time only.
(2) Above.
Sheetmetal Requirements.
41. Tires and Tubes (PNEUMATIC). The following
Equipment. This includes cab, hatches, deck, sides and
criteria are to be used as a guide when determining the
enclosures of hull. Sheetmetal shall be free of cracks or
serviceability of tires and tubes when the end item is
Doors, hatches and other closures and
repaired or overhauled and returned to stock. (Does not
associated hardware must fit and function properly.
include items designated for MASS or MAP.).All tires
Amphibian aluminum sheetmetal distortion in the form of
shall have a good appearance considering the conditions
dents, sags, and bulges shall not exceed 3/8 inch over a
listed below. Tires shall be of the size, type, and ply
minimum distance of 18 inches.
rating specified in the current DATM pertinent to the
b. Construction Equipment.
vehicle on which they are mounted. All tires shall be
(1) Light gage. This includes truck and crane
matched by type, similar tread design (mud and snow,
cabs, hoods, and fenders, tractor hoods and tool boxes,
cross-county, etc.) size, and degree of wear. Tires
snow plow and sweeper bodies, etc. Sheetmetal with
mounted on driving axles shall have the same tread
cracks or breaks is not acceptable. Cracks and breaks
design per axle.
shall be welded and ground smooth. Welded patches are
acceptable provided the welding is ground smooth and