01 March 2005
NAVAIR 01-1A-509-1
TM 1-1500-344-23-1
TO 1-1-689-1
Air Curing - Thermosetting or curing at ordinary room
A-SCAN - A data presentation method for ultrasonic
temperature without the addition of heat.
inspection. Data is displayed on a cathode ray tube
(CRT). Sound energy amplitude is plotted on the vertical
Aircraft Controlling Custodian - Navy command
axis and distance (or time of flight) on the horizontal
responsible for specific aircraft (AIRLANT, AIRPAC,
Abrade - To prepare a surface by roughening through
Alkaline - Having a pH of more than 7.
sanding or mechanical means.
Alloy - A combination of two or more metals.
Accelerator - A compound that hastens a reaction,
especially one that reduces the curing or hardening
Anaerobic - A process which occurs in the absence of
time of compounds.
Acetic Acid - A clear, colorless organic acid with a
Anion - A negatively charged ion that migrates toward
distinctive sharp odor (e.g. vinegar). Sometimes used
the anode in an electrolyte. The chloride ion in sea water
as a solvent.
is an anion.
Acidic - Acid forming or having acid characteristics.
Anode - The positively charged electrode of an
electrolytic cell at which oxidation or corrosion occurs.
Active Metal - A metal ready to corrode, or being
It may be a small area on the surface of a metal or alloy,
such as that where a pit develops, or it may be the more
active metal in a cell composed of two dissimilar metals,
Additive - A substance added in small amounts to
(i.e., the one with the greater tendency to go into
something else for a particular purpose. For example,
substances are added to fuel and lubricants to prevent
corrosion, gum formation, varnishing, sludge formation,
Anodize - Application of a protective oxide film on a
or knocking.
metal (such as aluminum) through an electrolytic
process. This layer provides protection from corrosion
Adhesion - The chemical and/or mechanical bonding
and is a good base for paint.
of a material to a surface.
Anodic Protection - Formation of a protective film on
Adhesion Promoter - A material applied to a surface
metals by externally applied anodic current. A
to chemically enhance the adhesion of a paint or
potentiostat is used to maintain the potential difference
sealant to the surface.
between the metal and a reference electrode. At
somewhat higher values of potential, the current drops
Adhesive - Substance capable of holding materials
to a very low value, the metal becomes passive, and
together by surface attachment. Adhesive is a general
corrosion is greatly reduced.
term for glue, cement, or paste.
Application Time - The length of time after mixing that
Aeration Cell - An electrolytic cell in which the driving
sealant remains suitable for application to the substrate.
force results from a difference in the amount of oxygen
in solution from one point to another. Corrosion is
Aqueous - Relating to, like, containing, or dissolved in
accelerated in areas where the oxygen concentration is
least; for example, in a stuffing box or under packing.
Assembly Time - The maximum length of time after
Aerobic - A process which occurs in the presence of
mixing or thawing that sealant remains suitable to
assemble parts, including final tightening of fasteners,
to assure proper sealing.