NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
d. Not enough desiccant is present. If a desiccant bag should break open during
transit, clean the avionic equipment immediately. Do
not turn moving parts any more than absolutely
necessary until all desiccant particles have been
Do not use loose desiccant in packaging of
removed. Work out the desiccant particles with a brush
avionic equipment. The use of loose desiccant
and not more than 10 psi dry air pressure. Use Acid
may cause damage to equipment.
or Artist's Brush, (Volume IV or V, Chapter 3) for this
9-3.6.2. T h e following considerations apply to
purpose. An alternate method is the use of a brush and
a. Desiccants shall be in unruptured bags of sturdy
Do not place humidity indicator in direct contact
b. Bags will be secured to prevent movement.
with metal. Chemicals used in the indicator
may cause corrosion.
c. Desiccant bags shall not be placed on, nor
permitted to come in contact with, unprotected surfaces.
9-3.7. HUMIDITY INDICATORS. Humidity indicators,
MIL-I-8835 (Volume IV or V, Chapter 2), shall be placed
d. Desiccants should be reactivated prior to reuse.
in containers with desiccants. A humidity indicator is
used to determine if a desiccant is sufficiently active to
e. Do not remove desiccant from wrap unless ready
maintain an acceptable relative humidity. Navy shall
for use.
refer to NAVAIR 15-01-500 for instructions on installing
humidity indicators.