NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
immersed in fresh water to aid in removing hidden
in draining excess water.
Compressed air used for drying can create
airborne particles that may enter the eyes.
e. Blow off excess water as specified in step b.
Pressure shall not exceed 10 psi. Eye protection
is required.
c. Blow off excess solution with not more than 10 psi
10-4.3.1. Solvent Method.
dry air pressure or dry nitrogen. Deflect jet of air off
interior, back, and sides of enclosure to diffuse.
10-4.3.3. W a t e r - D i s p l a c i n g Method. The water
displacing method is to be used as a last resort and only
Solvent, Degreasing
for temporary preservation prior to thorough cleaning.
Water-Displacing Corrosion Preventive Compound,
Ultra-Thin Film, MIL-C-81309, or Water-Displacing
a. If soil or soot remain on external equipment
Lubricant and Corrosion Preventive Compound,
chassis, scrub the affected areas using Paint Brush
MIL-L-87177 Type I or II Grade B (AF only), will deposit
(Volume IV or V, Chapter 3) and Degreasing Solvent,
a nonconductive film. This film must be removed for
MIL-PRF-680 Type III or Cleaning Solvent (Volume IV
p r o p e r function of contact points and other
electromechanical devices where no slipping or wiping
action is involved. Tag equipment with appropriate
b. Collect excess solvent and dispose as hazardous
marking and indicate application of the corrosion
preventive compound. This compound is easily removed
with Degreasing Solvent, MIL-PRF-680 Type III.
d, and e.
10-4.3.2. Aircraft Cleaning Compound Method.
Compressed air used for drying can create
airborne particles that may enter the eyes.
Pressure shall not exceed 10 psi. Eye protection
is required.
Compound, Aircraft Cleaning
a. Blow off excess water with not more than 10 psi
dry air pressure or dry nitrogen. Deflect jet of air off
a. (N) (A) Dip a cloth or brush in mixture of one part
interior, back, and sides of enclosures to diffuse.
Aircraft Cleaning Compound, MIL-PRF-85570 Type II
become intermixed or emulsified. Wipe off thoroughly
Compound, Corrosion Preventative 3
with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7(Volume IV,
b. (AF) Dip a cloth or brush in mixture of one part
b. (N) (A) Totally immerse equipment in a 55-gallon
Aircraft Cleaning Compound, MIL-PRF-87937 Type II
drum of Water-Displacing Corrosion Preventive
Compound, Ultra-Thin Film, MIL-C-81309 Type II
over affected exterior and interior areas until
contaminants become intermixed or emulsified. Wipe
spray, brush, or wipe the interior and exterior of
off thoroughly with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7
equipment with water-displacing corrosion preventive