NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
Table 9-1. Preservative Compounds for Avionic Equipment
Intended Use
Corrosion Preventive
Displacement of water; short
Do not use on interior surfaces of
Apply a soft very thin (0.5 mil)
term corrosion protection of
translucent, light amber
coating by dipping, spraying,
metal surfaces during
connectors, receptacles or
Ultra-Thin Film,
shipment, storage, and in-
brushing, or spraying from a
waveguides. Do not use around
MIL-C-81309 Type II
service use; corrosion
oxygen, oxygen fittings, or
pressurized container. Can be
protection of moving parts
removed with cleaning
where some lubrication is
explosion may result.
required, such as hinge
areas, bomb racks, and
sliding parts. Also used as a
waterless cleaner.
Corrosion Preventive
General preservative for
Not intended for use on exterior
Apply by spraying an even,
thin film to the surface. Can
internal areas of avionic
surfaces of avionic equipment.
be removed with cleaning
equipment; internal areas of
Deposits a thin film which must
Ultra-Thin Film,
electrical connectors,
be must be removed for proper
Avionics Grade,
receptacles, and solder joints.
function of contact points and
MIL-C-81309 Type III
Contains water-displacing
other electromechanical devices
where no slipping or wiping
action is involved.
Do not use around oxygen,
oxygen fittings, or oxygen
regulators, since fire or explosion
may result.
Corrosion Preventive
General preservative for
Apply by brush or spraying an
Do not use on interior surfaces or
external surface exposed to
even thin film to the surface.
avionic equipment.
Solvent Cutback,
elements and moisture,
Material presents a semi-
Do not use on interior surfaces of
Cold Application
including: mounting racks,
transparent film. Can be
MIL-PRF-16173 Grade 4
shelving, brackets, radar
removed with cleaning
connectors, or receptacles.
plumbing, shock mounts, rigid
Do not use around oxygen,
oxygen fittings, or oxygen
general hardware, hinges
regulators, since fire or explosion
fasteners, ground straps; and
may result.
exterior surfaces of electrical
connectors, coaxial
Must be applied over water
displacing corrosion preventive
compound, MIL-C-81309
Type III, to accomplish complete
on all areas exposed to elements
and moisture.
Corrosion Preventative
Temporary repair of paint
Do not use on interior surfaces or
Apply by brush or spraying an
Compound, Clear
damage to exterior surfaces
avionic equipment.
even thin film to surface. A
such as cracks and
second coat may be applied
Do not use on interior surfaces of
after 30 minutes.
non-moving metal parts not
connectors, or receptacles.
requiring a lubricated surface;
Do not use around oxygen,
exterior surface of electrical
oxygen fittings, or oxygen
regulators, since fire or explosion
may result.
Not intended for use on exterior
Water displacing lubricant
Apply by spraying an even,
surfaces of avionic equipment.
Preventative Compound,
and corrosion preventative,
thin film to the surface. Two
Water Displacing,
for use on in-service
coats shall be applied. Allow
Deposits a thin film which must
Synthetic, with added
equipment and parts at
to dry between coats. The
be removed for proper function of
corrosion inhibitor
temperatures from -65 F to
combined thickness of the
contact points and other
+400 F
two coats after drying shall be
electromechanical devices where
1.2 to 1.5 mils.
no slipping or wiping action is
Type I Grade B
Application by wiping is not
(Air Force only)
Do not use around oxygen,
oxygen fittings, or oxygen
Can be removed with
Type II Grade B
regulators since fire or explosion
cleaning solvent.
(Air Force only)
may result.
Reapplication of compound is
necessary after solvent
cleaning or where coating has
been damaged by abrasion.